Fav show you watch together

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This is short but I haven't posted in a bit also I'm working on an Erica one shot (fluff) so this is just something quick to post.

Ethan - Probably the walking dead, you guys started it when it came out. So you basically started it at a young age. It's both of your favorite show and you can both watch it for hours. His favorite character is definitely Glenn  while yours would be michonne. I could see him getting mad when you don't say maggie. Ethan definitely wants what they have, but he's also a big fan of Rick.

Benny - Okay don't even be surprised. Benny likes to watch shameless. He'll see a pair of boobs and boom both of you guys are naked. But seriously he likes shows like that. He probably would watch it with out you if you say later. It's definitely one of his favorites. For a favorite character he would probably say frank. He thinks he's hilarious and that's all that matters to him. You on the other hand prefer Carl or Mickey. No explanation needed for that.

Rory - I would say he's a fan of courage the cowardly dog. He likes the nonexistent plot to it. Rory really likes watching cartoons, he also liked to think that he related to courage. You don't really think he understands that courage is a coward. His favorite character is definitely the grandma, he likes to think that she's you and hes courage. Rory definitely likes to be babied he won't hide that. Anyways your favorite character is the grandpa you think he's funny. Rory loves cartoons for sure.

Sarah - Her favorite show to watch with you is criminal minds. Sarah definitely likes crime shows. But if she were to choose between blue blood and criminals minds she would for sure choose criminal minds. She becomes one of those people who base their life on it too. She definitely wants to be part of the bau for a while. You guys play cops and robbers like little kids sometimes too. Her favorite character is probably Morgan and Garcia, yours would be Reid and JJ. Ah yes the duo's.

Erica - I can see Erica liking the worst witch, (the 1998 ver) she likes to compare herself to Ethel, you can't agree on that. You guys watch this show often. Magic and vampires is definitely your preferences in shows. You guys will sometimes point out what you think looks fake. (Magic wise) for some reason her favorite character is Ethel, you like Enid.

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