Independence daze |Ethan| Angst to Fluff to Smut

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It was Sunday night and we were all at Ethan's house having cookies and milk. It was nice and cozy and it felt nice to just relax.

"Don't you think you guys are too old to be having cookies and milk?" Ethan's moms placed down my mug of milk and I gave her a smile.

"Thank you."

"Maybe but you're never too old for a cookie sandwich." Benny stacked three cookies onto each other and took a bite. I watched as the crumbs fell but nonetheless stacked my own to try it.

"Just when I think you've found every way there is to be disgusting, you find a another one." Ethan dropped his cookie sandwich and grabbed just one cookie.

"Yeah I know right? Grow up benny." I roll my eyes and smile at benny.

"Well I for one agree with benny, Three times the flavor." I dipped my cookie sandwich into my milk before taking a bite.

"Thank you m'lady, finally someone with class."

"Of course kind sir, I don't switch up because someone's near me. Im the realest out there." I gave Ethan a look and he furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"So true queen." Benny and I laughed before his grandma came into the room and his smile fell.

"Evelyn! What a pleasure to have you here."

"Ah, don't mind me I just came to make sure benny wasn't making a mess," Evelyn used magic to make Benny's glass of milk tip over. "Benny! Sorry dear but could you get some napkins?"

"O-oh! Yes, of course." Ethan's mom walked out of the room to go get napkins and evelyn's face become stern.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourselves?"

"It's an easy explanation, Sarah didn't believe in trolls and Ethan bet I couldn't conjure one. What was I supposed to do?"

"You didn't conjure a troll, You conjured a toll! cost me five bucks to leave my living room."

"Ha! Told you he couldn't do it." Ethan's mom came walking towards us so evelyn knocked the cookies over.

"Ugh! Benny!"

"It's okay i'll get the duster thing." She handed the napkins to benny and walked out again.

"Well, at least I conjured a toll booth. Can one of you three do that? Hm?"

"No, all I do is fight everything while you hide! Like, you hide every time when that stupid robo dentist movie is on."!

"Hey, Cyberdentist came to this planet to fill our cavities with pain. At least i'm not hiding from myself."

"What's the supposed to mean?"

"That you're a vampire who's afraid to bite people." She gave Ethan an are you serious face and he tensed up immediately. "What? He said it, I didn't."

"And you're so perfect?"

"I'm just saying between benny misspelt magic, your smash happy strategy, and y/n's argue all the time attitude. You'd all fail without my bulletproof genius plans!" I scoffed at ethan's words and rolled my eyes.

"Stop! You four are a team!" Mrs. morgan rounded the corner into another hallway.

"it's in the hall closet."

"I sense a coming darkness, a force so powerful, so evil. That none of you stand a chance against it alone." These idiots had gone on their phones while Evelyn was ranting causing her to pause. Working together could- You have to work together."

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