Netflix and chill with them

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Ethan - It was actually his idea, he invited you over while his parents took Jane to Disney world. So you spent the first 3 days doing everything you guys could think of. Then boredom hit BAD, and Ethan's mind started to wander and boom ^^. Luckily he was wearing baggy pants and you guys had a blanket over yourselves. He didn't want to straight up ask so he put on Netflix and brought you closer to him. This boy knew what he was doing when he started to rub your thigh slowly, that lead to you moving closer and playing with his hair, slowly tugging at it. Then boom you were on top of him and the movie was long forgotten about.

Benny - Originally he just wanted to cuddle but then you got up to stretch and the way his shirt rose up when you lifted your arms made him horny. Because why wouldn't it?? You're literally the hottest. He put on Netflix and as you two were watching he started to kiss your neck slowly. And we both know Benny cannot keep his hands to himself!! So a make-out session initiated, your lips on his is literally all he needs from you.  Make outs are literally his favorite because he gets to be close to his fav girl.

Rory - It was Benny's idea, you invited him to your house to hang out and set up an amazing fort. All Rory had to do was show up and choose a movie. Benny gave him a movie reference that he said you would love. It was a dirty movie and the tension was there. You didn't care and quickly made your move. There was so much touching since it was both of your first times.

Sarah - You had planned everything so perfectly, being the amazing girlfriend you are of course. You could literally sense her stress from a mile away. So you bought a bunch of snacks and drinks. (you didn't end up eating them) eventually when she was sleepy you made your move. It wasn't really much but you did make her feel really good that night. That night was all about her and making her feel amazing. She did pay you back in the morning though🙌.

Erica - She sent you a txt and not the innocent one. So you came over to her house and the movie was honestly an excuse. At first you guys ate snacks and watched the movie trying to desperately ignore the sexual vibe. The sex scene was honestly what broke the space between you both. Because if they can fuck in the middle of a haunted house you guys can fuck too. And you guys made use of the scary movie as an excuse to be loud if you catch my drift. You guys did a lot of things that night and it was definitely something you would try again.

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