You're a rat

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Namjoon's legs shook anxiously against the grassy dirt. He sat at a singular table in the middle of a garden on the other side of the valley — apart from the ruins of Eden. In front of him was that very same prophet, with Pini lingering at her ankles, her eyes staring intensely into the windows of the Hoa's soul. Which were his eyes.

Namjoon would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. He was practically trembling in anxiety as he awaited his test. He had no idea what it would be about, but he had no further time to ponder. Sana soon began her promised 'test'.

"This," her boisterous voice made Namjoon jump, "test comprises only one question."

Well, that wasn't expected. Namjoon's eyebrows fixed questioningly as she stared back at the woman. "And what is this question?"

"Would you still be willing to continue on this journey if I told you that you are collecting these tapestries just to be faced with disappointment and shame in the end?"

"What?" The captain barked up, launching from his seat as he did so. "What do you mean?"

"I don't mean that the result of the tapestries is a disappointment," Sana sighed before folding her arms together, leaning back in her seat. "I mean that you will be ashamed of yourself and your own actions as a result of this journey. Are you willing to face that atonement of shame and pain just for a secret power that will only draw you and your friends apart?"

The elder gulped. He settled back down into the seat, not only to think but also from how heavy that question made his heart feel. "I didn't expect this when you said a test."

The woman left out a chuckle, although, it didn't reach her eyes. Her expression grew flat, unamused. "Which will it be?"

Jin kept his arms crossed angrily as he leaned back into his chair. One of his feet tapped repeatedly against the ground as he stood by for the prosecution awaiting him.

Sana heaved, folding her hands over the table as she stared deeply into Jin's eyes. Pini lingered by her feet, as if suddenly faithful to this woman. Jin certainly noticed the like pink fluff's newly found obedience. "You're a rat for switching out on us," the latter taunted, Pini furrowing his brows. 

"Pi nini."

"Don't you dare talk back to me!" The Plutonian jumped.

Again, Sana was unimpressed. "Mister Kim Seokjin, your test will begin now," the elder eased back into his madly uncomfortable seat, "Would you still be willing to continue on this journey if I told you that you will never gain the appreciation you long for by staying with your current friends?"

Jin watched the woman crankily. He wasn't even sure how that could possibly be considered a test. "Of course, I went unnoticed my entire life so I definitely won't start caring now."

"But you will later, and I promise you that," she leaned close over the table, earning a scowl from Jin, himself. "Are you willing to face the atonement that you will never fill that hole in your heart, not even by pretending that it doesn't exist?"


"Miss," Yoongi slid down into the pretty, marble furniture, "I'm telling you, I'm not easy to sway."

Sana grinned widely at the man ahead of her. She found it funny how he put on such a front just to seem readily prepared for anything. As if he was strong enough for what's to come. "Oh, is that so?"

Yoongi held his chin up high. His confidence was consuming and beginning to become an overwhelming facade for Himself as well. So, he decided to divert everything by focusing on Pini at the woman's legs. "How come he switched sides so easily?"

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