You dumb bitch

25 1 17

"Jungkook, get up."

The sleeping form felt his shoulder being rocked side to side. Yet the slumber was heavier than the shakes, so Jungkook continued to snooze.

"Oh my fucking gosh, wake up."

His form got nudged a little harder, Jungkook furrowing his brows at the feeling once he realized it wasn't a part of his dream.

"Holy fucking shit, WAKE UP!"

And the shouting got the kid to jostle up. His sharp awakening quickly concluded with his skull knocking into another, as the two boys flung back from each other in agony. "Ow ow, my head!" Jungkook whined, holding that red and throbbing forehead of his.

Taehyung soon peeked up from the bedroom floor, his hand to his head. "You nearly gave me a concussion."

"Why was your bigass head in the way?"

"I was trying to wake you, asshole." Taehyung's palm gave two more soothing rubs at his head before he lowered his hand. "Namjoon called us on the intercom."

The younger gleamed up, soon take in his surroundings only to remember that this wasn't his room. "He did?" Jungkook inquired, still a little shaken from his brain nearly going extinct.

"How are you such a heavy sleeper?" Taehyung pestered before coughing shortly.

All thoughts soon halted in Jungkook's head as he turned over to look at the towering elder. They stared blankly at each other, one unsure of what the other was thinking.

Nothing further was said as Jungkook eased up from the bed, walking around Taehyung. "Namjoon wants us to meet in the control center." Taehyung splurge, catching up to the younger as the bedroom door slid open.

"But I'm hungry, I need to pee, and I didn't brush my teeth yet."

"Sorry," Taehyung shrugged, Jungkook gazing shortly at him, "captain's orders."

"Thank you all for coming." Namjoon stood by his captain's chair as the crew huddled closely by the entrance point to the command center. They all looked incredibly exhausted, meaning Namjoon had to have woken then up at an odd point in their sleep cycle. "Thank you-"

"Bitch, stop with the thanking and get on with it already!" Jin snapped, causing Namjoon to sulk a bit, "I'm missing beauty sleep for this."

"Well damn," Namjoon mumbled under his breath, but somehow Jin's ears picked that up.

The eldest tried his best to open his eyes so he could look at Namjoon directly, but sleepiness had his eyelids glued shut. "The fuck you said?"


"What? I can't hear you."


Jin huffed pridefully, "like I thought."

Namjoon resorting to cursing Jin in his head before turning back to the rest of his crew. "You all, I have been sent an invitation to the adobe of a Celestial named Xerxes. He said he saw the wanted posters for us released by the Malles government and was intrigued. He said he has one of the missing tapestry pieces and is willing to negotiate a deal with us."

The crew began to chatter amongst themselves before someone loudly spoke up. "What exactly are we negotiating?" Yoongi investigated.

Namjoon shrugged. "I honestly don't know, he didn't-"

"What the fuck!" Jin hollered, "you dumb bitch, did it occur to you that this may be a trap?"

"No," Namjoon sneered mockingly, "of course it did, I considered that! But we have no room to negotiate when it comes to the tapestries."

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