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"I can't believe we fucking got arrested!" Yoongi huffed loudly, his anger boiling as his foot remained chained -- that chained being nailed to the ground not too far off from himself. It was the first time Yoongi had been caught although he's been on the run for about a year -- roughly about eleven months since 'kidnapping' Jimin. This wasn't a situation he particularly didn't see coming, but he didn't expect it to hit him so fast.

Jungkook leaned flatly against the dirty stone wall. He wanted to cry, he really did; he was so close to tears that his eyes grew glossy and a lump immerged at his throat. But he knew he wanted to stay stronger, not really for himself, but for the image he now wanted to carry around the others.

Taehyung was here to, yet his attention was focused more or less on escaping. He stood at the steel bars of their shared cell hollering about wanting to be exemplified from any punishment. Clearly, the guards weren't listening.

Yoongi huffed once more, his arms crossed angrily, "this is all Namjoon's fault!" Taehyung turned slowly at those words, facing the angry munchkin. "If it wasn't for him we wouldn't be in this mess. I told him that plan was shit, like the Malles government is gonna let us get away with a gem like that!"

Now, do you see what's going on? Oh yes, the boys had got arrested after Namjoon's plan to steal the gem backfired. Only a fraction of them got caught, but the others have yet to make an appearance. Of course, they've only been in jail for two hours and still awaited trial, Yoongi was already fed up.

"I hate this!" Yoongi snarled as he kicked some innocent tin cup.

"Will you please shut up?"

Yoongi was appalled at the voice. Usually, the elder had some dumb comeback, but not when it came to Jimin. And yes, Jimin was very well still mad at Yoongi.

Only those four were in jail, the other three crew members had completely vanished. No one knew their whereabouts. "Jimin, this is a highly distressing situation," Taehyung spoke, seemingly defending Yoongi's non-stop whining.

Jimin grimaced, "bitching isn't gonna get us out of jail."

"Oh yeah?" Yoongi began to snark, "you're one to talk, Jimin."

"No one was talking to you!"

"No one was talking to you either."

"Are you dumb?" Jimin flailed his arm, ready to launch himself up, "Taehyung just was!"

"Don't call me dumb."

"Or what?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes, trying his best to ignore both of the annoyances. Jimin and Yoongi have been arguing non-stop, it was the first time they actually ever bickered in such a way. If Taehyung didn't know any better, he'd say they were enemies.

All the while the two went back and forth, Taehyung looked toward the sniffling little bunny isolating himself off toward his own proclaimed little wall.

His eyes saddened at the boy, he never wanted to put Jungkook in a predicament where he was helpless, or even put himself in a situation where he was helpless to help him. he sauntered over to the sad little bunny, plopping down on the cement directly beside him.

Jungkook didn't say a word as he kept his upset eyes trained at anywhere but Taehyung. "Hey," Taehyung softly nudged jungkook's leg with is own. No reaction. "Hey, Jungkookie," he then lightly pushed Jungkook's shoulders with his own broader ones. Jungkook turned his head away, but he noticed the bunny fighting off a small grin.

He decided a little was enough and chose not to pester him any further. Instead, Taehyung rested his head against the younger's shoulder, the boy remaining unmoving under his small weight. Yet, Jungkook still didn't face him.

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