One big bitch

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"Holy fucking shit, my ass is about to freeze off!"

"Jimin," Namjoon breathed as he bundled himself in a large heavy-duty winter coat. "We're still on the ship."

The smaller huffed as he slid on layers of incubated  -- self-warming -- clothing. "I can feel the cold air seeping through the walls."

"No, you fucking can't."


Yoongi rolled his eyes at the dramatic younger before someone else caught his attention. At the other end of the control room sat Jungkook and Taehyung. The two boys conversed about whatever it was while Taehyung helped suit up Jungkook, but not without caution. Taehyung was petrified of what awaited them, more specifically, Jungkook.

"Hey Jungkook," Yoongi shouted, the sweet little bunny turning toward him with big doe eyes, "today might be your day."

The aforementioned looked down with saddened eyes as Yoongi faced a slap to his arm from Jimin. He clasped his bicep as if he had just been shot, "ow, what's wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?" Jimin retaliated.

Yoongi was then faced with a grimace from the Corgen lacing up his boots, "you're an asshole.

"A little bit."

Jimin huffed angrily, "a lot!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes before Namjoon stood to make an announcement to his space crew -- plus one human. "Is everyone suited up?" He beckoned, yet as soon as those words slipped out he noticed the stiffened Plutonian toppling over as he attempted to slip his coat over his four layers of thick incubated sweaters and jackets. Namjoon shook his head before returning his gaze back to the rest of the crew. "We're going to head to the palace and talk with the ice giants, their daughter has apparently gotten lost in a blizzard and they haven't been able to track her down without facing fatalities. She has a tracking chip implanted in her crystal necklace but she has gone so far out of range the castle guards haven't been able to find her. Hopefully, they'll be able to give us some clues as to what direction she went in and if there's any known place she could be hiding, but other than that, we're on our own."

Some of the crew members looked on in seriousness as others gulped nervously. "So are we just gonna walk around until we suddenly run into the princess?" Yoongi beckoned.

"No, the palace is offering up snowmobiles, we should get going before another blizzard sets in, we have two hours."

Taehyung quickly turned towards Jungkook as everyone began to exit the ship. "Here, I have something for you," he pulled out a large object from within his large coat whilst Jungkook pulled his mask over his face to protect himself from the impending harsh weather.

Taehyung grabbed the maknae's hand, pushing some hard cool metal into his palm before turning away. "Make sure no one sees it," he strung the little bunny along with him toward the exit. 

The boy gazed down at his unknowing palm, seeing the very weapon Taehyung had promised him. Jungkook hoped he'd never have to use it.

The boys approached the palace, stationing their ship just at the entrance. It was freezing, absolutely horrible. Jungkook immediately felt a shiver trail down his spine the moment he stepped out into the uninhabitable weather. He noticed how everyone else didn't seem all too phased, which worried him even more, why is he the only one freezing?

"Fucking shit my ass is frozen!" Jimin hollered as he hugged his arms upon entering the icy palace, being greeted by frantic guards. Jungkook felt relief that he wasn't the only one struggling with this unbearable weather.

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