Man on the moon

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"Fuck, Taehyung!" The two men stood stagnantly amongst each other, facing the current consequences of secrets piled upon secrets. "What else is there? What else, beyond Eve being my mom and wanting me to absorb the whatever-core, what else didn't you tell me?" 

Taehyung gulped nervously, although his expression held sternly. "The tapestries were created by your mom 900 million years ago to lead you to the cosmic core, which is inside the infinity. Meaning, she's already there, waiting for you as we speak. She may have possibly created the divine as well to watch over the tapestries until you're ready to acquire them." 


"Assuming this much, she either doesn't have a way of tracking you, she's unable to retrieve you herself, or she has other plans for you." 


"The problem is that we know nothing other than her plan after you absorb the core..." 

Jungkook pinched the bridge of his nose, his eyebrows knitting together as he grew more and more inflamed. "Taehyung, please-" 

"After you absorb the core, she wants you to fulfill the exact thing you were created for. Reconstruction. To destroy, create, and control the universe. Xerxes had said the same thing, that being a celestials universal duty. Xerxes-" 

"Taehyung, for the love of god, shut the fuck up!" 


Taehyung was quiet.  

So was Jungkook. 

Maybe he had spewed too much information. Maybe it was all too much at once. Maybe. Maybe... Taehyung felt like he was practically going insane. He handled this just as well as he explained it. Like shit. 

In the end, this only made them both feel worse. 

Jungkook sat back onto his bed, holding his head in his hands. This conversation was quite a daunting task and he already wanted it over with. But this wasn't something he could just look past and forget. This was a complete solemnity that he had no choice but to face. 

"Fuck. Fuck!" He rubbed harshly at his face, dragging his hands down strenuously. "Why did you wait to tell me all this?" 

With only numbness in his body, Taehyung harshly bit his lip, even scathing it. He was unable to feel a thing. He was so nervous, anticipating the worst in such away that his body barely felt like his own. He felt like a hollow shell. "I had to make a plan." 

"Before you tell me shit as important as this?" 


"Does that even make sense to you!?" The boy jarred up from the bed. His knitted brows and clutched fist weren't intimidating to Taehyung, he knew Jungkook wasn't capable of even hurting a fly; but, Jungkook's demeanor had changed intensely. This was a side of Jungkook he had never experience and it was oddly audacious, which baffled Taehyung even more.  

"Jungkook," the elder voiced with exasperation. "Are you more upset about the fact I didn't tell you rather than the context of what I'm saying?" 

"As of right now? Yes!" 

"I still need to explain to you what's going to happen from here." 

The angry little bunny crossed his arms. "Is it gonna make me mad?" 

"Most likely." 

"Then let's just talk about it later." He began to saunter toward his room door.  

Man on the Moon [Completed]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant