Ugly rat

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The six boys trudged through the pink dirt, dragons ripping highly through the skies as some of their riders resided lowly on the ground to lead the space invaders to their village.

Jungkook was nervous, very nervous. They pushed through the thick brush of the jungle. He could have sworn he heard a deep growl and low hums of the many carnivorous creatures this planet homed. Or maybe he was just paranoid, he wasn't really sure which.

"This sucks ass," Yoongi groaned, pushing past a large splotched pink and green leaf.

"True that," Jimin pouted after him, pushing the leaf as well.

Jungkook opened his mouth to speak only from the bigass leaf to whip back and smack him square in the face. "AH HELL!" His hand flew over his mouth, the human boy toppling over as Taehyung gripped the young boy's shoulders.

Jin gazed back at the boy confusingly. "That the twelfth one in the last fifteen minutes..."

"Yeah," Yoongi piped up, "because he's an idiot."

Hoseok - one of the riders guiding them - watched the human. He felt bad. The kid had no idea what was coming to him.

"Human?" Hoseok peep cutely.

Jungkook snapped up, his nose bloodied. Wow, that was a strong leaf. "Huh?" The boy stood up straight, rubbing at his reddened face. "What? What's happening?"

It was cute in a way [to Hoseok], and not because blood was gushing out of the human's face, but because he seemed so vulnerable and cute. "How old are you?"

Kook raised a brow, not really sure as to why that was important in the moment. But, he answered nonetheless, "seventeen, why?"

Now the whole group of aliens faced him, each with their own form of awe. "goodness, you're young," Jimin voiced, "wouldn't your caretakers be worried?"

And yes, they were in absolute shock, the peril of losing their only child striking their hearts profoundly. "Eh," Jungkook shrugged.

"You're a lot younger than the last human." and with that, Hoseok frowned. He turned away from the small group, raising questions in the other's minds as they all exchanged looks with each other. "Well," the Corgen exasperated, "here we are."

And through the deep brush was a small community at the base of a blistering volcano. It was quite odd, Jungkook thought people would normally want to stay as far away from a volcano as possible. These people thrive from it.

Hoseok led them into the compact village while the few dragons overhead soared towards land. Chief Seokwoo hopped off one of the dragons, eyeing the boys before staring blankly at Hoseok. "Show them to their rooms."

So Hoseok did.

"Um... there are no beds." The crew members gathered in a small hut, Jin voicing his distaste with the lack of space. 

Hoseok perked of with a cute smile. "What are the beds?" Hoseok very well knew what a bed was, but his definition of a bed remained different to the others.

"Oh hell no, I need to leave this place."

"Jin Hyung," Namjoon voiced, "it's not that bad."

"Not that bad?" Jin inquired, agitatedly taking a step towards Namjoon. "They got us sleeping on the floor with the damn RATS!"

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