Haha, booby

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"Jimin!" Namjoon leered over the boat into the purple ocean, "we already passed the drop-off, just stand up."

"Oh." Jimin stood to his feet, gazing at the towering back end of the ship as he tried to climb back up.

The Unian was fairly well built, so he was very capable of pulling himself back onto the boat, yet a hand still peered over waiting to help him up. Jimin gazed at the waiting figure, grimacing at its eminent presence before shooing it away.

"Fuck off," Jimin muttered before flopping back onto the boat with an exerted grunt. His clothes looked like he had dipped himself in grape juice from the purple saltwater. "I don't need your help! See, I'm fine."

Yoongi frowned at Jimin's blatant reaction, "I was just trying to help."

"Yeah, well don't!" The younger furrowed his brows, "not until you do what's right." Jimin sauntered off farther into the boat as Namjoon taunted him for being a dumbass by falling off the boat for a second time. Yes, a second time.

Yoongi huffed, knowing that Jimin expected that little 'apology' he tried to force from him. You may think Yoongi is a major asshole from what happened on Celerois, but trust me, he's trying. He's really trying to muster up the ability to just approach Jungkook and tell him how sorry he is, the only fault is Yoongi's pride. Hence why he's having so much trouble with his words now.

It's been three days since the ice break incident; Yoongi's arm is in a cast, Jungkook's foot is wrapped up and healing, the death deal is still on hold, and Jimin basically hates Yoongi's guts. Everything is going pretty well.

"Alright, boys! We're going to steal the heart of Fufue (few·few)."

"Heart?" Taehyung piped back as they others gazed with confusion at their captain.

Namjoon gazed back at his awestricken crew, "oh, we were offered twenty thousand units for Fufue's heart, it's some gravely important gem, no biggie."

Taehyung gazed over at Jin as the elder looked like he was ready to jump overboard. The eldest huffed, "alright, what's it for and why do they want it?"

"Apparently, the heart of Fufue is some type of gem that gifts life-"

"I know you did not just make us trade a life-giving gem for some pocket change."

Namjoon glanced at Jin before continuing on, "they also offered us a free upgrade on our ship and we get to keep the equipment used on this mission," he motioned to the ropes, pix axes and other pieces of shit, "it may not be that fair, but we're in no predicament to bargain."

The crew hummed in acknowledgment as the ship sailed farther out to sea, "what's with the gear?"

"The heart of Fufue is in some temple littered with booby traps."

"Haha, booby." The bunny chirped.

Jin scoffed, not too fond of the idea but also a bit disappointed by Jungkook's sense of humor. Jimin gazed around at the rest of the crew, his instincts telling himself there was much more to the story. He knew Namjoon for long enough to truly grasp the magnitude of how gluttonous his captain was. "So what's the plan, the real plan?"

The newer crew members gazed oddly at Jimin, but Yoongi and Taehyung knew just what he meant, seriousness washing over them.

Namjoon grinned mischievously, you'd be mistaken if you thought this space crew was a group of heroes. No, sometimes they're not the best people, and sometimes they are. They are more of vigilantes, doing things that they find justified; they don't stray from stealing, destroying, and rarely even killing. They do what they see must be done.

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