Damn bitch

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Jungkook didn't expect a gun to his face when he first stepped onto Jupiter. He wasn't sure why. He'd thought to see rainbows and sunshine, peppy people welcoming them and tossing flower necklaces around their necks.

Now, the great city of Juvas was absolutely gorgeous. It was like a medieval brick town, just without the slums because everything was so well kept. Even the poorest parts of town Jungkook fancied, it was pretty and tolerable. Very cozy. 

As for the Jovian castle. Holy shit. 

It was built in such beautiful architecture, it reminded the boy of European cathedrals such as Notre Dame. Except much bigger. Much much bigger.

Even the sky was astonishing, tan in color with apricot whisps from the darkened spaces above. Even the numerous moons or the large obelisk that maintained the weather was gorgeous. And as for transportation, the ground was specifically used for walking purposes, but vehicles hovered way above in the sky -- lifting off from nearby ports and flying away.

Jungkook was awed at the magnificence, not the situation.

Their ship was detained before even landing. Trapped in the atmosphere, Jovian officials warrantly broke into the ship, putting breathable masks over all of their faces so it could filter the air. They took control of the ship and landed it themselves at one of the castle's ports, yelling in some alien language the Jungkook just possibly couldn't understand. 

They had left the Divine on the ship, knowing they were no threat and had done no harm. They knew they could sustain themselves and had no fear of them escaping because the authorities took the chip required to start up the ship. 

Eme had decided to join the arrested crew, which the Jovian authorities thought was odd, but nonetheless, they gave her a filtering mask and ushered her off the ship.

Now they were being escorted into the castle. All eight of them masked except Taehyung. And all eight of them with a gun to their heads except Taehyung.

The prince surely felt bad that this would be Jungkook's first experience on his planet. 

"Hey, Taehyung," Jin shuffled towards the marching prince before having a weapon shoved in his face. "Damn bitch!"

Taehyung glared at the guard, him lowering the gun but staying on alert. "Anyways..." Taehyung gazed over at Jin.

"How are you feeling?"

"Great," the Jovian took in a whiff of the poison air. "I'm feeling better already."

Jin looked down toward Taehyung's abdomen. "And your injury?"

"Actually," the boy put his hand underneath his shirt, feeling at his own skin, "it's still not healing properly."

The elder furrowed his brows nervously, "why not?"

"Dunno, but it's not affecting me so I guess there's nothing to worry about."

Jin didn't like the sound of that.

One of the guards soon approached Taehyung, the boys all gazing at the intriguing man. The guy had Jovian markings in the shape of a 'T', it stretched from underneath his eyes to the middle of his cheek to which it curved at the end. Much bigger than Taehyung's marks. "Ke ciemka menne ba nes ne, ki kaschka." (The king wishes to see you, my prince.)

Taehyung scowled, looking toward the group before catching the sights of the guard. He actually wasn't a guard at all but was a royal ambassador. The right-hand man to Taehyung's father. This dude used to follow Taehyung around everywhere, the boy wasn't very fond of him. 

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