Die Bitch

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Namjoon returned back from the ship's lab, it only taking no longer than a minute for him to test the planetary oxygen stats. "It's safe", the captain chimed, stuffing the monitor away in his utility belt - which Jungkook just now noticed he had. "Let's go fetch Jimin."

Jungkook leaned in close to Taehyung to whisper, "who's Jimin?"

Taehyung leaned towards him in return and whispered back, "the guy that was on our transmitter."

Jungkook nodded to himself, following closely behind the fleeting crew members of the ship. Through the long window, he gazed at some of Neptune's many moons and wondered how Earth possibly could miss such advance civilizations so close to home?

A loud airy sound stirred at the hind side of the ship. Its backside beckoned open and the cool crisp air sweltered in. It burned Jungkook's nose at first with the shivering coolness, but soon the burning subsided and only fresh clarity filled his lung.

It was fresh air..

He allowed the longing gust of chilled breezes to fill his lung. He never knew such minty air would be so satisfying to breathe in. It was amazing.

"Shit, I was hoping the air would kill him."

Everyone turned towards Yoongi, a loud silence clearly warning the other to shut up. "Anyways," Taehyung spoke up, "how are you feeling, Jungkook?"

"Fucking awesome! Oh my gosh is that a person!" And with just that, the youngster darted off the ship and headfirst into the wind crazed environment. Every else trekked in behind the dashing but curious rabbit.

Yoongi took in a whiff of air Just like the other boy did before him, "this reminds me of home."

"Duh, your planet is literally Neptune's twin..."

"Jin, shut up."

The eldest rolled his eyes, glancing back at Jungkook. "You know we're gonna be stuck with him, right?"

And to that, Yoongi sighed heavily. "Not unless he dies, he doesn't know a single thing about space."

"You're right, but Taehyung won't let him die, he's already attached."

"Taehyung's always like that." Yoongi shrugged. "But you wouldn't know, you only just met him."

"Yeah but I could tell he felt like an outsider before, he purposely brought in another outsider so he could finally have someone to relate to. Why do you think he was so attached to me when you guys first rescued me, he hoped for a connection but didn't get one because I was stuck to Joonie."

With furrowed brows and a grimace, the other glared up at Jin. "Joonie? You guys are on a nickname basis already?" Jin nodded. "You guys are so gay."

"Maybe a little.. but that's not the point. Jungkook may be a good addition to the team."


"The hell is wrong with you, why are you yelling?"


Then Namjoon came scurrying over, catching up with the conversating two. "Hey, what's all the hullabaloo about?"

Neither of the two answered him, instead they separated from each other and continued to trudge forward in the direction of the spaceport. Jimin said he'd be in there waiting, but the building was massive and that made Namjoon quite nervous. What if the Earth boy who's name I still don't know gets lost? That would be detrimental to us if he was to give us away. As to why Namjoon thought this, well it was obvious.

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