Bitch, they're watching you!

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A worrisome screech sounded as the bus rolled to a complete stop. The group of aliens, plus two humans, all sat at the back of the motor vehicle, gaining many odd looks from the elderly and young alike. Halloween was tomorrow, so they gave it a pass, but Eme's unbelievably realistic costume left them stunned. 

The pale alien shifted around in her seat, watching as the bus's doors bellowed open to allow passengers inside. She leaned close to Jimin, who wasn't really paying her any mind. "Why are they all staring at us?" 

The Unian jostled up from his resting position — leaning against the dirty ass window. "Huh? What?" 

Eme reciprocated with furrowed eyebrows, "were you asleep just now?" 


"Have you noticed that we're all getting weird looks?" She crossed her feet under her chair, her white and red-crested hands laying on top of her lap. Jimin now gazed across the bus, spotting a three-year-old staring dead at Eme. "Why are they watching us?" 

"Uh... Eme..." 

"Bitch, they're watching you!"  

Eme and Jimin quickly snapped toward Jin. He sat ahead of them, legs crossed sassily along with his arms. "What do you mean?" The woman inquired. 

"No offense," he turned toward her, Jimin already wincing, "but you look fucking weird... only to the humans though." 

"Don't lie to her," another voice beckoned as they journeyed to the back of the bus. It was the newly arrived Yoongi, Hoseok scurrying behind. "Why didn't you guys tell me there was a transportation system earlier? Hoseok and I had to walk to the auto shop before Namjoon called us." 

Hoseok swiftly took the seat next to Eme whereas Yoongi sat next to Jin, directly in front of Jimin.  

The younger Unian leaned forth, a timid smile on his face. "How was quality time with Hoseok?" 

The elder turned in his seat, gazing teasingly back. "Great, how was robbing the museum?" 

Those words gained a few odd looks, but, luckily, the attention remained on Eme and Hoseok. "Shut up!" 

"Why? Is that not what you did?"  

"Yoongi!" the sharp plea gained a look from Chaeyoung and Tzuyu, the two girls returning back to their short chitchat — one talking about Taehyung, the other, Jungkook. "You are so fucking loud!" 

"Says the one yelling," the aforementioned chuckled for a moment. "Hey, Jimin, when this whole thing is over, we should visit home." 

"We'll get arrested." 

"Not if we don't get caught." 

A smirk arose, Jimin's lips curving upward although he tried to refrain. "Is that a date?" 

"Let's call it a friendly get-together." 

"Yeah yeah," Jimin leaned back toward the window, attempting to drop his smile in the most natural way possible as he kept his emotions under control. "I was joking anyway." 

"Sure you were." 

Jungkook sat to himself tentatively as Taehyung and Namjoon conversed just beyond his range of audibility. He was actually nervous, seeing that the two kept sparing circumspect glances his way. He tried to brush it off as nothing, yet he couldn't help the anxious tinge in his heart. 

Namjoon's gaze crossed Jungkook's path once more, standing at the midsection of the bus. Namjoon gripped at one of the pole's handles as the bus rolled off, Taehyung circling his arms around a large, vertical pole. 

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