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Jungkook sat lamely on his bed, gazing at every item in proximity. Easing next to him, Chaeyoung felt dizzy as she propped herself up on her elbow. The two were alone. Jimin, Eme, and Namjoon left to search for the tapestry. Taehyung, Tzuyu, and Jin stayed behind at Jungkook's house. And last of all, Yoongi and Hoseok went to go look for some parts to fix Taehyung's space pod, if that was even possible. 

"So," Chae let her feet sway off the end of the bed. "You're half celestial, how does it feel to be superior?" She wiggled her eyebrows teasingly.  

This caused the younger to laugh, his nose scrunching cutely. "I really missed you, I'm so sorry I left for so long. You must have been through a lot." With sadness seeping through, Jungkook couldn't help but stare at Chaeyoung pathetically. She always told him to stop being a sucker for such things, but it seems like he couldn't help it. He felt like shit. 

The woman sat in silence for a few moments. Honestly, Jungkook's disappearance hurt her deeply. But now she understands. Now she doesn't resent him for it. She sucked her teeth before playfully punching the boy in the shoulder.  

"Ouch!" Jungkook gripped himself in agony. 

"Don't be such a downer. Shit happens all the fucking time so don't hold on to such a weight unless you want it to hold you back. Hakuna Matata or some shit." She eased up from the bed, now perching herself on the strength of her hands. Carefree, careless; Chaeyoung was both and it was hard to tell which was good or bad in this situation. "Remember what I always say. Fuck the world-" 

"- And fuck the universe." 

She smiled before flopping back onto the bed. "You're not going to be here when your parents come back, are you?" 

"Probably not," Jungkook laid onto his back, "I have the entire universe to explore, and time won't wait for me, it won't wait for them either." 

"They're only gonna be on vacation for a week, and they left two days ago. You can't wait for four more?" 

The bunny groaned. He should have known that Chae wouldn't understand, she's never seen what it's like up there so she would never understand. "Four days here is like..." Jungkook counted in his head for a few moments before jostling, "oh, it's only a few hours up there." 

Chaeyoung jumped up as well. "See!" 

"But time still can't wait, I have to leave as soon as possible so-" 

"So you can come back seven years later?" The former halted. "Or maybe never at all. Kook, this might be your only chance to see them. Why not take it?" 

The boy didn't know how to reply. Chaeyoung was right, staying wouldn't even put a dent in his schedule, yet he was so reluctant. Why? Maybe he was scared to face his parents after all that he's learned. After what he's done by leaving them behind. Or he was scared of how'd they'd react just for him to leave again. Or maybe, deep down, he never really wanted to come back in the first place. Maybe he was unknowingly content with leaving his past life behind, never looking back. 

Jungkook didn't know, but he didn't want to think about it any longer. The more he did, the more he felt like a piece of shit.  

Luckily for him, his Vivo blared out before Chaeyoung could force an answer out of him. There, beamed Namjoon, his hologram floating mid-air in all its colored glory. Chae gaped at the sight.  

"Everyone, I'm sending coordinates over to you, report to this exact location asap. Eme found the tapestry, but it may be harder to get to it than we thought."  Jungkook listened on, but it was hard with the echo of his captain's voice in his ear. The double sound was not only coming from him, but also behind his bedroom door. From another Vivo. 

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