Silver haired bitch

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Taehyung froze, not really sure what he had just gotten Jungkook into. "What do you mean?"

"If anything happens, let him die. If a Demogorgon pops out and decides to eat his face, let it. If he finds a poisonous fruit and thinks mmm that looks tasty, let him eat it. If he slips into a pool of blue lava, let him burn."

Jin grimaced at the harsh words. "That's a little.. intense."

"Jin, there has to be some exception." The youngest in the room pleaded.

Namjoon thought for a few moments, shrugging to his thoughts. "After a month he can stay I guess."

"WHAT???" Yoongi wailed once more while Taehyung jumped with yes's and yay's.

Namjoon didn't pay much attention to neither of the boys. "In the end, it is still my decision to let him stay or not, got it?"

Straightening up immediately, Taehyung saluted his captain. "Sir, yes sir!"

"Now," Namjoon spoke, "let's go find the human."

And indeed, they went to go find the human. Searching across the ship, Yoongi made the suggestion to look in the control room - the most obvious place to look - so that's where they went.

Namjoon marched on, the rest of the crew trailing behind him like little ducklings following their mothers. Once inside, Taehyung peered around, finding curious big eyes staring into the nothingness beyond them.

Jungkook was frozen in place, his eyes searching the billions and trillions of stars, exploring each and every dancing planet that showed itself to him.

The curiosity in the boy's eyes lit up his whole aura. Taehyung couldn't help but smile at his cuteness, oh how cute the younger was.

"Jungkook?" Taehyung's inquiring voice raised up. He watched the younger's eyes gloss over, tears began to prickle. "What's wrong?" Taehyung asked worriedly.

Jungkook shook his head softly, almost at a loss of words as he rubbed at his eyes. "I just.. I just never imagined it would look like this.."

And with a sniffle, jungkook smiled, and so did Taehyung. "You see that over there?" He pointed at the luminous gas giant.

"Yeah," Jungkook rubs his sniffling nose, "that's Jupiter, you said you're from there.. are you really?"

Taehyung nodded, "maybe one day, I can take you, would you like that?" The elder smiled.

Everyone was tuned in on the two, wondering why Taehyung was so welcoming to the newcomer. Maybe it was the sense of a new adventure. Or maybe he sought an opportunity to find someone he could finally relate to.

Maybe Jungkook could be this someone - another outsider just like him.

Suddenly, Taehyung's expression was peeked with interest. "Wanna see something cool?"

In return, he gained an eager nod from the fascinated younger. So, purely out of fondness, Taehyung scurried over towards the side control panel before any of his crew members could truly gather what he was doing, and he pressed a button. Well, more like pounded his fist into it but that's not the point.

"Taehyung, wait!" His captain yelped before the various strands of hair lifted from his face, his own body soon following afterward.

Every single object fluttered gracefully into the air. All weight and physical differences meant nothing now, for their bodies were dancing among the stars.

As the ship's gravity fully diminished, the crew - plus one stowaway - floated aimlessly as if among the void of nothingness.

It was an all-new feeling to Jungkook, it felt to him like his body no longer existed in the plane of reality. Even the salted shallows of Jungkook's glossed eyes floated away in shapes of sphere, the way nature molded it out to be.

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