Are you guys gonna probe my brain or something?

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The small group — consisting of Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, Eme, Tzuyu, Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, and Hoseok — approached the last few of the houses. The suburban area had kids and teenage rascals prowling the late-night street. Everyone was in search of either sweets or a little fun. 

Jungkook kept a mask pulled over his face. He didn't want his neighbors to recognize him as that kid down the street that's been missing for about a year. Nope, that would cause far too many problems. He'd rather just be an average trick-or-treater that's out with a couple of friends. 

Eme leaped up to the doorstep of one house, the group of small children ahead shrieking timorously before running off the porch. The alien woman smiled, "look, they cleared a path for us. How sweet." 

 "Eme," Jimin strolled past her, "perhaps, you scared them." 

"Jungkook says scaring them is also good!" 

"Girl, that is not what he meant!" 

"Jin," the Unian barked up, "she doesn't know any better." He continued to step up the porch, seeing an elderly couple who could only spare odd looks at the bizarre group. "Trick treat!" Jimin held a pillowcase in front of him with the biggest smile on his face. The couple awkwardly gifted the group their candies. 

"Jimin, it's trick or treat not trick treat," Jungkook now voiced, bumping shoulders with the alien.  

Instead of replying, Jimin just smiled with an accompanying nod. This was mostly because Jungkook's attention now confided elsewhere. He was taking in the scenery of the massive holiday before him. 

Ahead, kids ran down the street — either joining parents or regrouping with friends. At the bunny's side, Eme and Hoseok dashed around with heaps of leaps and joy, the two were reminiscent of young children. At his other side wandered Jimin, munching on all new tastes that he absolutely adored, sharing some few with Yoongi who somehow lost his bucket full of Halloween sweets. Ahead of him, Jin and Namjoon conversed, although the younger of the two was growing tired from having to carry both of their hefty candy bags. Even Tzuyu was there, waltzing about in a comfortably lonesome manner, giggling as Eme and Hoseok ran past. There was only one person missing. The one person he wanted to spend this night with had escaped his sights. 

At last, Jungkook swiveled around. Behind all the others stood Taehyung. He strolled along with heavy steps, his eyes panning among every street light as his candy-less bag flopped at his side. Tae's expression remained dull, vacant. It was like there was nothing behind those eyes other than a glint of wonder and twice the rue.  

Jungkook couldn't understand those unfathomed cries. 

Although, that didn't mean he wouldn't try. 

He halted his movements until Taehyung caught up to his still placement. "What are you doing back here? Why aren't you with everyone else?" It was evident the Jungkook was a bit panicked. That same fright only pulled a small chuckle from the elder.  

"Are you worried about me?" 

The younger gripped Taehyung's sleeves, hauling him into a standstill. "Yes! I am!"  

Taehyung ghosted his hands of the clasped fist bawling up at his clothing. He also grew nervous, hoping that the young boy's curiosity won't hinder the spectacularity of the beheld night. "Kookie," he pried Jungkook's hand from himself, holding it in a soothing attempt. "Why don't we just go along with the others and finish our trick treat." 

"No," the boy furrowed his eyebrows in dismay, "you've been acting weird ever since we left Paies." 

Taehyung noticeably flinched at those accounts. 

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