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Taehyung stood attentively, his arms folded as he stared up at the huge tapestry before him. It dangled courageously from his garden room - which remained air locked apart from the rest of the ship. His eyes rested on the beautiful reminisces of his late mother, and that gave him a foul feeling in his chest.

This isn't how he remembers her, or yet, how he wanted to remember her.

The doors behind him soon slid open, Taehyung swirling around with his arms crossed. There, stood Jungkook, eyes wide and footsteps uneasy. "Ew, why does Jovian air smell like Cheetos dust?"

Taehyung scoffed at the younger, "I don't know Cheetos." His hint of joy was soon cascaded by many other negative revolutionaries.

"Taehyung?" The bunny stepped forward, his head tilted curiously, "is everything alright?" Jungkook was worried that his last home visit would stick to him as a traumatic event. He didn't want to see Taehyung troubled.

His words could only be reciprocated with a heave. Taehyung turned back around, facing the daunting tapestry ahead. "Have we landed yet?"

Jungkook shook his head as if Taehyung could visualize it, "no, but hopefully we're close to Earth." He approached the eldest, lifting his hand to the Jovian's shoulder. "It was nice of Tzuyu to bring this in for you."

"But it was crazy for her to tag along."

Jungkook pursed his lips. "I guess, but she has her reasons."

The room grew silent. It felt uneasy, as if they had never been quiet before. The two men gleamed up at the large, hanging cloth, "did you see the way she ran up to us?" Taehyung chuckled lightly, breaking the tension.

Jungkook snickered in return, "she jumped up yelled 'wait, wait for me too'! We were six feet off the fucking ground!"

"At least I caught her when she jumped, you stood there for a whole minute before help her up!" He turned toward Jungkook, cackling up in small heaps of amusement.

"Well, what did you expect?" The younger defended, "she decided to come last minute!"

"People change their minds."

"Well, yeah," the younger moved his hand from the prince's shoulder. "But still, who would have expected. And your dad just stood there until she said 'I'll come back!'."

"'I'll come back. I'll explore and study other [planetary governments]. And when I come back, I'll change everything. I'll fix everything.' Wow, she's so cool."

"I don't think that's what she said but okay." Taehyung rolled his eyes before Jungkook bumped his shoulder playfully. "I'm glad everything worked out."


"Everyone, it's your captain. Our ship is now over capacity so we will be setting course for Paies instead of Earth. We have enough fuel to jump, we need to conserve the energy. If we alternate between jumping and cruising we should be there by tomorrow morning. Technically, it's resting time already so you all have approximately nine hours to sleep until we land."

"What the fuck?" Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows. "Why are we going to Paies?"

the younger stared at Taehyung in a heap of curiosity, "wasn't that already the plan? To go to Paies and get the coordinates for Earth's tapestries?"

Taehyung shot Jungkook a small glance before looking away, "that was before we found out Eme could pinpoint every tapestry. We were supposed to go to Earth after Jupiter, so why did we change course?"

Man on the Moon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now