I love cows!

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Jungkook had come to visit Xerxes again in his gorgeous garden above. Eme smiled as Jungkook stepped off the elevator alongside her. He was really starting to warm up to her, even her odd features didn't seem as weird in his eyes. He quickly forgot how different they were. 

As soon as she was under the watch of Xerxes, she straightened up with her hands clasped to her stomach and her face stoic. He noticed the celestial sitting at the pillow from the other day, and Jungkook ran up excitedly. 

He couldn't wait to recount his prior revelation. 

"I still can't believe what happened yesterday, that I'd see something as beautiful as a supernova!" Jungkook pranced around, a small little rabbit following his every step as he paced in excitement. "This is so cool, like holy shit, fucking awesome."

Xerxes watched on from the pillow on the ground, petting the rabbit comfortably in his lap. "Yes yes, how fun."

Jungkook leaped up joyfully, like a little kid at the candy store. "What will we be doing today?"

"Not much," Xerxes shrugged lamely as Jungkook nearly.

"Oh, will I learn how to make things? Like... like a cow! I love cows! Oh, an alpaca-"

"Jungkook," Xerxes huffed.

Jungkook puffed his cheeks cutely, putting his hands to his hips in a fit. "Or maybe a duck! I wanna make a duck!" 

Xerxes pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing strenuously as if being annoyed. He didn't feel that upset, but he was conveying it as if he was. Jungkook took notice of these actions. 

Something was off about the elder's vibe causing Jungkook to gaze uneasily at the celestial. "What is it?"

"It's nothing," the celestial shrugged lamely, smirking behind those straightened lips.

"No, please," Jungkook sat in front of the man, "tell me."

Xerxes peered up hauntingly, Jungkook doing just as he expected. "I was just curious as to if you'd be able to manipulate the surrounding cosmic energy. You just had your awakening, yet you don't seem very different."

That was a lie. Jungkook was completely different.

"Really?" The younger pouted as he stared deeply into the koi fish pond. "I can always try, ya know."

"Eh, I don't know."

"Please!" Jungkook sat crisscross, eager to learn more. "Teach me, show me."

Xerxes smirked, the aura becoming oddly frightening as the critters soon began to squirm away. all except for the light bunny in Xerxes now threatening grip. "I want to know if you can draw energy at it's most simple form," he held up the kicking rabbit, its claws scratching as it screeched to get away. "Life."

Jungkook's gut coiled tightly, feeling the cold pit of disgust at his core. His skin soon began to blanch in utter shock at the celestials request. Was he asking him to take the life of this sweet little bunny?

Xerxes frown at Jungkook's inactivity, pulling the panicking figure back into his lap. He began to pet it roughly with one hand, gripping its neck tightly with the other. He found it funny how gullible the younger was, quite pure. The celestial had lied about the simplicity of the task, drawing power from living form was far more difficult than taking ambient energy.

The poor little bunny shrieked under the shackle like grasp. "Just take the energy from its body and put it back, if you can't put it back then I will. The little one will be fine."

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