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Night had fallen. 

The ship was terribly quiet.

Jungkook had gone to bed, although he couldn't find a way to sleep through all of this. Jimin had paid Taehyung a visit before retreating to his room to cry himself to sleep. Yoongi had wept tearfully in the bathroom, transitioning to his bedroom as the pain seemed endless. Hosoek had not left his room at all, not since the moment Taehyung took his last breath in his arms. Namjoon sat in his captain's chair, not able to bring himself to have a peaceful sleep after he had failed. Jin tended to Taehyung for before ultimately retiring back to his room. The Divine, in a group of twenty, huddled in multiple rooms, sleeping in groups. Yet Eme couldn't sleep.

And as for Taehyung... well something odd had become within him.

Taehyung was trapped in a deathly slumber. But in the middle of the night, while everyone was off facing their own course of coping, Taehyung was overcoming his own battles.

The boy winced. 

His eyes scrunched up before opening.

Taehyun was greeted by the darkness of the infirmary.

Although Jungkook couldn't see it himself, the gem had embedded its aura into Taehyung's form. It just took some time to find and reconstruct the soul of the boy that had nearly been lost altogether, but here he was. Taehyung was alive. He was more alive than he had ever been.

His body wasn't only terribly weak, it wasn't only aching, but it also felt different. Just as Jungkook, Taehyung was going through some changes as well. 

He still felt that sickly feeling, that cough that lingered at the back of his throat. Although he was as good as new, something still felt strange.

The Jovian prince groaned as he pushed himself up from the infirmary table. His eyes were still adjusting to the view around him, taking in every fragment in a different light.

The boy had just died. 

He actually died.

And now he's back.

Taehyung's legs both swung down from one side of the table, quickly shivering at the room's low temperatures. He eased to his feet, wincing at the pain that just made him want to wither away. There was one incredible pain that struck his gut.

"Ah fuck!" Taehyung hissed as he lifted his shirt. There were stitches over some gaping puncture wound off to the left side of his belly button. It didn't feel all the way healed, but it didn't seem to be healing either.

Taehyung was confused.

What happened?

Taehyung put his finger to his mouth, nipping harshly at the skin to tear it just slightly. He retracted his hand to see that the skin was still left agape. 

He furrowed his brows.

He isn't healing at all, so how the fuck is he walking around with a hole in his gut? Is he a zombie? Somehow undead?

He pressed two fingers to the side of his throat. He felt pulsing under his fingertips, exhaling in relief to know that he was still some living being and not a ghost. Even his skin was warm, his breaths hot despite the cold room temperature. 

Taehyung began to limp tortuously out the infirmary, his hand to his stomach as those movements caused splotches of blood to peeked through his clothes again. He was definitely and surely alive, especially is he could feel such pains as this. 

Man on the Moon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now