Jurassic Kingdom

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Jungkook pushed through the brush. Somehow the leaves still managed to smack him square in his face, leaving red lashes on his skin. Taehyung followed suit behind him, a little more gracefully as he kept the leaves from slapping back.

"Jungkook, where are you going?" He finally called.

The boy whipped around on his heels only to have a leave slap the back of his head. "I saw something, so I'm gonna go check it out."

Taehyung push through the last of the brush, reaching a clear patch within the thick forest. "But it's dangerous out here."

"It's not like I have anything else to do." He gazed around the clear patch, spotting exactly what lured him over there. "Taehyung look!"

And there, standing right below them was... a thing? Taehyung wasn't really sure what it was. "It's a.. lizard?"

"A dinosaur! It's a Compsognathus."

"A what-o-what?"

"A Compy, it's those tiny little things from the Jurassic Park movies." Jungkook knelt down, making sure to keep his distance. "Hey little guy." He cooed at the creature.

"How exactly do you know what it is?"

"My planet had dinosaurs sixty-five million years ago."

Taehyung gazed up, his expression unsure of what he was looking at. "Is that one of them." He pointed up towards the trees.

Confused, Jungkook looked at Taehyung before tracing his gaze into the trees. He saw two large eyes staring back, a sharp toothed beast with hungered drool dripping from the crevices of it's jaw.

It released a low menacing tone like a growl, taking one heavy step into the open patch. It's feet alone were big enough to crush Jungkook out of existence.

"Holy shit," Jungkook scurried back. He watched as large wings raised from the trees and into view, it's scaly perfection ready to take off. "It's a fucking dragon!"

"A dragon?"

The monster took two steps forward, the boys taking five more back. "I wonder if it breathes fi-"

And just as those words slipped from his tongue, the dragon bellowed, it's mouth stretching open with only thin flabs of cheeks to keep it's jaws together. The inside of it's throat rumbled, two chambers behind its tongue like exhaust; fumes blew out, colliding together to combust into a fiery terror.

So yes, it breathes fire.

It's mouth clamped open, the fire building up in it's throat slowly before diminishing as quick as it came. It's mouth clasped shut.

"Maybe it's friendly." Jungkook assured.

The space crewed initiated their plan to fixing the ship, still a little frustrated but content nonetheless. Jimin had finally woke up and already started working, sealing every small hole temporarily.

Jin tried to help, but worriedly kept his eyes out for Taehyung and Jungkook.

"Hyung," the captain spoke softly, "they'll be back." He continued on fixing the ship's vital systems through his Vivo tablet.

"Let's hope not."

"Yoongi, shut up!" Jin groaned, still searching, "this place is dangerous."

Then, there was a scream, and then another. Jin nearly had a heart attack at just the sounds.

Man on the Moon [Completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang