Face fucked

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Jin was in a literal hellhole. It was horrible that he dropped his Vivo tablet-watch when trying to adjust the straps, but now he was in some dusty ass air ducts being drag by one big-bodied bitch. Jin tried to scream but obviously, no one heard him. All he could do was hope for someone to save him, and he already knew Yoongi would be against that. His best option would be to escape and stay put.

Jin was being dragged by the collar of his spacesuit, tailing not too far behind the alien - who was finally slowing down it's pacing before hitting a complete stop. Nervous, Jin began to lift a dagger from his utility belt, but fright coiled up in his gut; Jungkook did say the alien's blood is acid, so it wouldn't be a good idea slicing it open.

The alien suddenly dropped through the vents, mystified air fogging up Jin's vision as he was tossed to the steel floor beneath. Unfortunately, the alien still held him by his jacket. The alien stood tall for a moment, Jin wasn't sure what was happening until he noticed the beast scoping the area. Something was nearby.

He wasn't sure if he should utilize this moment of calm to take the monster by surprise and run, or if he should stay put. Who knows what this thing would do to him if he tried to escape, but who knows what could also happen if he let's the alien take him. Perhaps he'd be eaten... or worse.. impregnated. Jin didn't want to have kids.

"Um," Jin muttered with a shake, the alien perked up at the shy voice. "Can you let me go... please?" The Xenomorph screeched before darting down the hall at a horrific speed.

Jin screamed.

Jungkook heard him.

"The fuck was that?" Taehyung mumbled. His saunter aligned with Jungkook's as Jimin and Hoseok dragged behind, joking around with each other.

Hoseok suddenly stood at alert along with the faint but horrid siren-like screech. "I can smell him."

The group glanced back at the odd alien, expression wary. "Dude," Jungkook breathed, oddly uncomfortable by Hoseok's acute senses.

The horned alien returned everyone's odd glance, his own being wide and naive. "What? Everyone has a scent."

Yeah, it was a little weird in the eyes of Jungkook, but he thought that he might as well learn to accept the small differences between him and the aliens if he was to stick around. Some of them wanted him dead anyway, it was really only Yoongi but his taunting still felt quite heavy. Jungkook doesn't only need to accept these foreign ways, but he also needs to fit in.

"So," Taehyung piped, "you can smell Jin?"

Hoseok nodded vigorously, his enthusiasm very adorable amongst his tiny animalistic features. Jungkook wondered why Hoseok's features were much smaller compared to the other aliens of his planet. Is he maybe a runt?

Jimin smiled fondly at Hoseok, his cheeks as rosy as his hair in delight. "What do I smell like?"

Hoseok hummed in thought, "usually everyone has a mixture between two things, yours is vanilla and pine-cone, it's very sweet and refreshing. Taehyung smells like iron and alcohol, it's very strong and kinda slaps you in the face, it's common amongst Jovians. Jin smells like herbs and pine-cone as well. And Jungkook... he smells like fresh air." The other aliens furrowed their brows, a tad bit confused by the last statement.

Taehyung piped up, speaking before everyone else could, "fresh air? That's it?"

"Yep, humans usually smell like freshly cut grass and clean air, even if they live on the dirtiest planet. Jungkook just has one scent and it isn't even much of a scent at all, it's almost nothing."

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