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"HOLY SHIT!" Jungkook screamed with his whole chest, running as fast as he could with his lungs heaving as he gasped for a breath. But he couldn't stop. If he did, he'd die.

He scaled the corner of an empty space ship's corridor. It wasn't their ship, of course, it's was an abandoned fleet the hasn't came into contact with a humanoid creature in years.

"Jungkook! Why are we running!?" Jimin yelled from behind.

Jungkook halted fast, the six other crew members colliding into each other's backsides one by one until..

"The hell is wrong with you, Kook!?" Namjoon snapped, facing the youngest as well as the most paranoid of the crew.

Jungkook gazed frantically around the dark corridor, there was only a slight shimmer of light due to the humongous fleet never running out of power. "I knew I recognized this planet. We need to get out of here now."

"What do you mean?" Taehyung now questioned. Each crew member either watched with concern or confusion.

"This is Proteus," Jungkook gazed back at the crew members dramatically, "home to the Xenomorphs."

"What are those?"

"Oh," Jungkook realized they had no idea what he was talking about. They had just landed on the planet not even ten minutes ago, but while searching for the exact location of the distress signal inside the fleet ship.

"Well?" Taehyung pressed on.

"Xenomorphs are these badass alien thingies from these movies called Alien. They kill shit and have two mouths and acid blood and their six feet tall and lay eggs in you.. OH but the queen is like twenty feet tall so-"

"The hell are you talking about?" Yoongi grimaced.

"The aliens, Xenomorphs."

"From a movie?"

The younger gulped tightly. He finally realized how bizarre he sounded. "Y-yeah?"

"Then everything you said is irrelevant."


"Nope," Yoongi hushed, "your input is invalid, you made me run for no reason."

"But, I saw something, I swear!"


"Shh!" Hoseok soon fessed up, causing the whole room to turn silent. The Corgen pointed his nose to the air, turned his head widely in hopes of hearing something specific, "I hear something."

Jimin furrowed his brows with uncertainty, "what is it?"

Hoseok snapped back at them in shock. "Do you not hear that?"

Corgens already tend to have more heightened senses than other aliens, but this sound was unusually loud. It was particularly the pattering of footsteps, but those steps had a weight to it.

There was trudging from the steal floors, the pitter-patters increasing in sound as well as in speed. The boy's anxiety increased along with it until they all were faced with the same, dark, empty corridor.

The sounds continued to get louder, actually increasing in proximity in less than seconds. "Oh fuck!" Jungkook started running in the opposite direction of the heavy set footsteps, Taehyung following after him.

Man on the Moon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now