Fuck it

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Namjoon wasn't very fond of the zero-gravity situation that rendered him and Yoongi almost immobile.

They made and attempt at scaling the walls, but Yoongi lost his footing and ended up doing infinite backflips through the weightless terrain. It wouldn't be an understatement to say Yoongi wasn't very happy with the circumstances either.

the boys soon heard crashing and loud bangs that nearly sounded like explosions, they all irrupted behind them, from the lobby. "Shit," Namjoon muttered, glancing behind him before trying to push off the wall at the side of him.

"I'm gonna throw up!" The dizzy Unian shrieked.

And at those words, gravity suddenly fell. Namjoon landed on his two feet safely, Yoongi flopping to his back as he attempted the same. "There are fewer rooms than before."

"So?" Yoongi muttered, standing to his feet a bit sheepishly.

"So, the liner is getting smaller." Namjoon began on his conquest down the hall, praying that the tapestry would still be in the same place Eme had directed him to. He really hoped the room hadn't shifted away. "Xerxes is drawing power back from the ship, he's recycling the energy."

"Do you think that Jungkook is okay?"

Namjoon didn't know, but he couldn't let negative thoughts consume his mind at a time like this. "I'm sure he can handle himself."

He wasn't sure at all.

Yoongi had faith in those words.

The two continued to rush down the hall, they didn't have much time left. Xerxes could catch them at any point in time. "Turn here," Yoongi obliged, starting to turn the corner before pushing Namjoon back some few steps.

"The Divine!" Yoongi muttered lowly as he peeked around the corner. He breathed harshly, their plan rupturing before it really even began. "Fuck, we might have to kill them."

"What if they're not hostile?"

Yoongi shook his head rashly, "have you met their 'master'? They're guarding the tapestry for crying out loud."

Namjoon looked over the corner, seeing two Divine patrolled the halls with alerted eyes. He cursed himself for the thought, but Yoongi may have been right. He didn't want to, he almost couldn't. these were his Divine people, a sacred species he was taught to respect since his first breath.

How could he possibly harm one?

"Fuck it, let's try something else." Yoongi whisper-shouted before stripping his clothing from his own body. Namjoon was shocked for only a moment before he realized just what was happening. "I hate this fucking shit, why couldn't I just be Neptunian?"

Yoongi was now only in his boxers.

He struck Namjoon a glare, the captain turning away in embarrassment. He could hear the sound of skin shifting and bone rattling as Yoongi began to shift, which was called molting. Namjoon found the sound alone nasty.

"Okay, I'm done."

Namjoon turned to see Yoongi's body as a Divine female, even wearing a black dress and some flats. He gathered his clothing from the ground, as well as his Vivo and plasma gun. He pushed all of his items grumpily into Namjoon's waiting arms as the two began to saunter out into the open.

"You're my prisoner, got that?"

Namjoon hummed in acknowledgment as they hurried down the hall. It was surprising just how much Yoongi really pays attention, the analytical Unian got everything perfect, even down to the walk and stare.

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