You dummy

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Jungkook was nervous, incredibly nervous. 

After the pledge of prayers, Taehyung and Jungkook had snuck off from the festive crowd. Of course, two guards had followed them back to the castle. The prince had told the Jovian authorities that he had to use the bathroom. He took Jungkook with him and snuck out the window. 

The two were now racing out toward the castle's port in hopes to find the rest of the crew and escape. It was dark as hell, but they didn't have the time to sit there and navigate. They had to run. 

"Fuck, I can't breathe in this shit!" Taehyung exclaimed, his steps slowing as he untied the back of his royal band. 

The younger boy watched on worriedly, not wanting the elder to lose any piece of his home planet. "I'll hold it."

"Thanks," Taehyung tossed the other that small bit of clothing before pushing out the castle's back entrance.

They were finally at the port.

"Captain!" Taehyung hollered out, seeing most of the space crew lingering at their ship's entrance. They were loading all that they had gained onto their ship, waiting for the last of their crewmates so they could leave.

You readers have read this book long enough to know that nothing ever works out the way any of them plan. Well, congrats if you expected the unexpected.

The prince took a step forward, but before all else, a large thud irrupted from behind his back. 

Jungkook was practically tackled to the ground, guards restraining the boy's hands behind his body as he struggled to get free. The Jovian authorities pulled him up from his tightened shoulders, the boy wincing as they forced him onto his knees. Other guards rushed in from surrounding shadows, not to restrain the space crew, but to threaten them with their sharp blades.

"Lou," (No) the prince snapped at one of the guards, "vouv ele sei!" (don't do this!)

"Vouv scevsa," (don't speak) a royal guard hissed out, dragging his sword from his sheath only to place it at the frantic bunny's lively neck. "Sae se'a lo'hea bi ne ba scevsa, ne hele koln ous meikla." (There is nothing for you to say, you have lost our respect.) 

Taehyung gritted his teeth, his fist clenching as he snared at the defiant guards. "Fuck you."

"Taehyung," another voice beckoned out. The prince snapped over to see the one person he knew would come. His father stepped toward them, the dark shady area encompassing all of their bodies. "Son, why would you turn your back on us?"

"You knew?"

"Of course," the king idled around the kneeling human, eyeing the anxious space crew. He felt saddened it had to come to this, he really did. "It's not the first time you've run away, correct?" 

Taehyung could only heave in reply. 

His father frowned at the boy. Although Taehyung had looked more like his father, the king could only see the boy's mother when facing him. "This breaks my heart, Son. Maybe I've been too hard on you."

Suddenly, Taehyung had felt eased. He straightened up in posture, unclasping his fists as his lips remained parted, ajar. It was like his mind couldn't pinpoint what had just happened. He needed a review on what the hell was going on. "What?"

"I failed your mother, I failed her. I won't fail you."

"What are you-"

"But I can't let you go."

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