Just shut the fuck up

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Yoongi rubbed heavily at his eyes, the darkness weighing down on his eyelids as he tried to focus on all that was around him.

He pried his eyes open, first noticing the seven figures dwelling around his bed. Yoongi thought he was about to get fucked over by some demons.

"Holy fucking fuck shit!" Yoongi sprung up to grab the gun on his nightstand. "Fucker fuck shit!"

He whipped his gun out, aiming it okay the figures. Well, until one of them screamed.

He retracted the weapon, rubbing at his eyes once more. "Wait, Jimin?" Of course, he'd recognize the scream.

He swiftly reached over at the nightstand lamp, swiping his hand under it so it would automatically turn on. Once lit, he was able to see all the seven faces gaping at him.

The moment Yoongi saw Eme, he shrieked.

"Fucking shit, what is she doing here?"

She gazed over at Jungkook before returning her path of vision back to Yoongi. "I want to help you all escape."

"Escape?" Yoongi's eyes soon widened. "Don't tell me mister celestial has gone bat shit crazy."

Jungkook pursed his lips, "he wants me to kill in order to create."

Namjoon nodded quickly, stepping forward. "Eme says he's most vulnerable when he's in a sub-conscience sleep. That's when you extract his energy from his conscience being. That's how you kill him."

"Woah woah wait, we're gonna kill him?" Yoongi swiped his hands side to side in retaliation. "How the fuck did we get there?"

"He was never going to give you the tapestries," the Divine now splurged, "he was going to take it for himself and use Jungkook to absorb the cosmic core."

Yoongi furrowed his brows, it was too early in the morning for this. Like, what the fuck? What the hell was going on? The Unian then rubbed at his face. "What the shit? Why can't he just go himself?"

"Xerxes has no true physical form, that amount of power will destroy him. Jungkook, on the other hand, is the perfect concoction between cosmic energy and a living being."


"Oh my gosh, just shut the fuck up!" Jin snapped, Yoongi's jaw dropping in offense. "Just help us, you're gonna have to anyway."

Yoongi scratched the back of his head, gazing oddly around the room. "What if I-"

"Just shut up."

Namjoon smiled at Jin before looking back at Yoongi. "We still need a plan, but I have a few ideas."

Jungkook stood next to Eme, the elevator climbing up as the two stood nervously. "Uh, so when does the elevator turn upside-down?"

"Huh?" She chimed.

"When we go to the garden, the elevator has to flip at some point for us to be at a different center of gravity." Eme shuffled. She wouldn't know, she never really questioned it. "Oh, your eyebrows are starting to come in."

Eme rubbed at her forehead, feeling the stubble of hair as she grinned to herself. Her hair seemed to grow quite fast, her bottom lashes -- which were regular short lashes that were a solid white color -- and her white eyebrow hair had started to come in. Eme was beginning to gain the individuality she never knew she longed for. The only connection she had to her people and customs at this point was her hair. And she wanted to keep it that way.

The elevator soon opened up, the aura suddenly becoming disturbing and gloom. Jungkook felt his stomach churned, seeing the once beautiful garden crippled and deathly. The trees had shriveled and crumbled, the grass browned and diminished into nothingness. The birds had all fallen onto their backs, the rabbit's bodies twitching from freshly passing, and butterflies struggled to flutter with crumpled wings. Even the stream and pond had dried, the koi fish sleeping in death. The scene was horrific.

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