Stop bitching!

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"So this is our hotel room?" Jungkook's eyes leered around the extravagant room in awe. It was gilded golden with large arched beams supporting the odd room from every corner. It was shaped in some sort of pyramid other than the fact that the ceiling curved in like a plateau. It was interesting, Jungkook had never seen such architecture in his life; even the golden bed was curved in a way which resembled an egg. Yes, an egg.

"Alright," Namjoon passed a key card towards the unsuspecting Yoongi as he addressed Jungkook. "There are three rooms, Jin and I are sharing, the rest of you can discuss amongst yourself who rooms with whom."

Yoongi then grimaced, "I'm not sharing a room with anyone other than Jimin."

Taehyung gazed at Jungkook with quite the grin to his expression, "I guess that means me and you." The younger furrowed his brows at him, "and Hoseok if he wants."

The Corgen frowned before gazing towards Namjoon, but to his dismay, he had already left. He felt as though he was typically the third wheel to everyone's love story, whether it was purely platonic or not. Hoseok had no one he could connect to. 

"Hobi," Jimin breathed as he grasped Hoseok's hand and sheltered it within his own, "if you want, you can room with me and Yoongi."

"Who the fuck agreed to that?"

"Yoongi!" The younger hissed before returning back to Hoseok, "trust me, we don't mind."


"Yes, we."

"He can sleep in the streets for all I care!" Yoongi snarked before crossing his arms in a grumpy fit.

Jimin snarled at him, retaliating with the same anger, "stop bitching!"

"But bitching is my only source of joy."

Jimin groaned as if in agony before returning his gaze back towards Hoseok. He had opened his mouth to speak but the Corgen beat him to it, "I'm just gonna go sleep with Taehyung and Jungkook."

"But Hoseok-"

"I really don't mind," Hoseok grinned softly, but weakly as he began to retreat to the room Jungkook and Taehyung had fled undetectably into.

The younger mustered up a sweet smile before waving goodnight and heading to bed with Yoongi at his side.

Hoseok opened the room door, seeing Jungkook and Taehyung sound asleep, the younger's back being snuggled up against Taehyung's front side. Jungkook was the little spoon, how cute. Hoseok sighed, longing for space as he gawked at the lack of room left on the egg-shaped bedding. 

Should I wake them? Hoseok inquired to himself as he continued to veer around the bed. It was no use with Jungkook, he was practically dead as he slept like a rock. Maybe I should have just gone with Jimin.

Hoseok tiptoed to the other end of the bed, poking Taehyung's side just a bit. The male flinched at the sudden feeling before easing from his position that cradled the little bunny, "who the heck are you?" The Jovian questioned with half-open eyes, rubbing at them sleepily.

"What?" Hoseok piped, crouching down next to the bed, "it's me."

"Me? I don't know a Me."


"Wait, Mema? Is that seriously you?" Taehyung gazed down quietly before looking back up at Hoseok ever so nonchalantly. "But I thought you were mauled by a sea rhinoceros."

"HUH?" Hoseok cleared his throat, "I'm Hoseok."

"Hoseok?" Taehyung squinted his eyes as he nimbly tried to distinguish the elder's features through the dark. "What are you doing here?"

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