Jungkook was nervous. Understandably so, right?

Well currently, Jungkook stood awkwardly on an elevator, the false machinery humming as it lifted him up. Next to him stood Eme, her hands at her stomach as she watched the screened numbers climb up. Jungkook looked her up and down, the woman looked worried.

"So," Jungkook swayed on his feet from heel to toe, back and forth. "How long have you served Xerxes?"

Eme didn't look toward Jungkook, she only kept her eyes where they were. "Six years."

"Wow, that's crazy!"

Eme shot Jungkook a swift glance, only her eyes moving before they averted back to the increasing numbers. "You're quite young."

Jungkook was a bit amazed at the inference Eme had just voiced. Their conversations where typically questions and answers, but now it seemed as if she's starting to form inquiries. "I'm seventeen... no wait, eighteen." Her lips curled up, disappearing in a matter of seconds. Jungkook then spoke again, "how old are you?"

"I don't know."

Jungkook watched with a confused expression until he noticed the hurt look emitting from the woman's face. He quickly turned away, watching the numbers crawl up as well. He felt bad for asking something as personal as that, "if I was to guess, I'd say you're twenty-four."

The woman then giggled, putting her hand over her mouth as she fully turned toward the little bunny. "You're very sweet."

"Why thank you," he gave a small but sweet grin before inquiring further, "why don't you have any eyebrows?"

"Huh?" She rubbed at her forehead, feeling the smooth skin under her fingertips, "should I grow some?"

"You can grow eyebrows?"


The two stood there, staring at each other for a few moments. It was a confusing yet calming setting between the two. Jungkook had realized how much of a kind person Eme was in those moments.

"Back on Honna," Eme started with a warm smile, "we shave our eyebrows and pluck our bottom lashes, it's customary."

"Oh," Jungkook turned away for a moment, kicking up his foot. "Well, you don't have to if it brings you closer to your people."

"I'm already disassociated from the Divine." Eme drooped her eyes down to her feet, anguish picking at her heart as new thoughts began to emerge. Thoughts she felt she'd never have again, "even if I wanted to go back, they wouldn't accept me. Becoming a servant is a direct disrespect to my people."

"Do you miss them?"

She lifted her eyes back up, gazing sadly at the boy as he examined her threateningly tearful expression. Eme had never cried before and surely wasn't allowing a tear to slip now. She was no weak woman. Sadly, she failed to realize that crying didn't connotate weakness. 

The elevator soon opened up, presenting a corridor that led directly to the upside-down garden. Eme heaved harshly before stepping off the lift, Jungkook following her steps.

she led him down the short corridor, seeing the walkway split off into two stairs, the set curving around the garden shortly. Jungkook approached the railing, looking out toward the trees growing tall, the small stream that twisted around the bend of rocks, sand, and dirt. Numerous types of prairie flowers gathered and swaying softly, there trees dancing as if there was a sort of breeze. What shook Jungkook the most was the chirps of birds as they flew in delights, little squirrels playing tag, hummingbirds and butterflies side by side when collecting nectar, and pretty bunnies prancing around.

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