Chapter 58

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Years ago...

After a few days, Wei Ying had grown stronger in memories. Some were joyful but most were of his painful past. At some point, he cried and at other moments he laughed like a mad man. All the same, ZhiHao never left his side. Wen Qing only fed them the particular drink and no solids. Those were meant for the souls and beings of that realm. 

"Two grown men acting like children is not something I expect to see. Wei Wuxian, what's going on.", Wen Qing set the tea down and turned to the men squabbling at the other end. Wei Ying was strangling the other man while the other tugged at his long hair. 

"Alright, knock it off!", Wen Qing pulled the former by the ear. The Yiling patriarch whelped from the pinch as he got off ZhiHao, pouting like an innocent kid. "Aish Wen Qing! He is the one you ought to scold. Do you have any idea the things he said to me?!", Wei Ying complained.

"What else if not the truth!",  Zhihao got up with his hands still massaging his neck.

Wei Ying huffed; wanting to snatch the other again. "I don't care that you think I'm married to a man or that I changed my body because of him,  but I won't let you sully Lan Wangji's name with such terrible lies. That man and I were never close, but he's still my....", Wei Ying was suddenly stuck at the end. 

"Soulmate?" ZhiHao monitored the change in his expression. As if he was trying to connect something that was not there. "...Have you not remembered the time he risked his life to save you when you returned from the dead. You boast about it all the time, I thought it would be the first thing you'd recall... You are married to a Jade and soon you will give him a child if I get you back to him.", ZhiHao teased him in the end. The female in their mist shook her head in awe when Wei Ying's face changed colors before going after his friend...


Present Day...YunmengJiang

Wei Wuxian insisted on staying at Yunmeng till his baby is born. At first, his reason was to help take care of his brother's children but he later concluded that the Lotus Pier was the safest place to give birth. He would be surrounded by only those that cared about him. There would be no negativity from Lan Qiren or any other person. Because of this Wen Ning had to take his family on a trip.

"Hanguanjun, you can help him up now.", Jiayi smiled at the couple after the exam. Lan Wangji was very gentle with his spouse the entire time; offering him moral support whenever he felt a pinch. Jiang Cheng thought he'd give them some privacy and excused himself in the beginning. 

 "And the liquid coming from his breast is normal?", Lan Wangji asked after building the courage to talk about his partner's sensitive body parts and the recent changes. He left no stone unturned.

"Yes, Wei Ying has started milk production. Lactation can begin before the baby is born...Brother in law did a good job taking care of this trouble maker. ", Jiayi explained with a fresh smile. Wei Ying cringed at the idea of being able to breastfeed and the look on Wangji's face made him blush. 'What could he be thinking?', he thought.

Jiayi, "The baby is alright but...we need to discuss another important issue." 

Wei Ying became nervous again hearing her last statement and Wangji was right by his side to soothe him. "Although Wei Ying has been able to carry the child, this is the first of his case and I can't be certain his body will allow him to have a normal delivery. It is, therefore, necessary I give you an alternative if it fails.", the woman's smile dimmed a little.

Wangji, "What are you suggesting?"

Jiayi, "I may have to cut the baby out."

Lan Wangji's eyes fell on his wife, their fear staring them in the face. But Wei Ying stayed positive, stating that he trusted his Sister's skill. Lan Wangji was more interested in the success rate and Jiayi confirmed she could not put a figure on it. Even amongst women, such methods were only used when the survival of the mother and child dwindles. And in most cases, the mother did not often survive the incision...But Wei Ying has a core that can heal him if things are done right so he should not be in much danger."

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