Chapter Three - Dust Robbery

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Years have passed since X-49 had been taken in by the Rose-Xiao Long family. In that time, X-49 had become an invaluable member of the family. He helped around the house as well as act as a protector for Ruby and Yang who had quickly grown to love him as an older brother. When Summer Rose died, X-49 did what he could to ease the pain. At the same time, X-49 saw more fragments of his memory. One day in the middle of the night, X-49 was escorting Ruby to a nearby Dust shop.

Ruby: Thanks for walking me to the shop, big brother!

X-49: Don't sweat it, kiddo. I'm sure your Dad feels a lot better knowing I'm keeping an eye on you. Just try not to start any trouble. 

Ruby: Trouble won't mess with me as long as I have Crescent Rose!

Soon enough, Ruby and X-49 reached the Dust shop. Ruby went inside to browse while X-49 stayed outside. During the wait, X-49 pulled out a trumpet from his coat and began playing a song. The music from his trumpet echoed through the empty streets. As he continued to play his trumpet, he saw a couple of shady looking individuals entering the Dust shop. X-49 tips his hat as they enter the shop. The one who appeared to be the leader greeted the robot.

???: I don't usually do this, but bravo, my friend! What splendid music! 

X-49: Thanks. 

The man then hands X-49 some money. X-49 tips his hat to the man as the man enters the shop. X-49 continues to play his trumpet. Suddenly, a man is thrown out the window. Immediately, X-49 drops his trumpet and readies his Twin Pistols and rushes inside the Dust shop to find Ruby fighting against a group of armed thugs. 

X-49: Friends of yours, kiddo?

Ruby: Not exactly!

The leader of the thugs twirls his cane with a smile on his face. 

???: Isn't this a curious sight! Allow me to introduce myself! I am Roman Torchwick, the Napoleon of Crime! And here I thought this night would be rather uneventful! Boys! Teach these two a lesson in humility!

Torchwick's men soon began attacking Ruby and X-49. Ruby took some of them down with Crescent Rose while X-49 ducked behind cover and began firing shots into the thugs. He took great care not to kill them. Despite the numbers being against them, X-49 and Ruby were able to easily take them down. 

Roman: Well, Red, I think we can all say that it's been an eventful meeting. You and your....strange friend have made quite the impression! As much as I would love to stick around, I'm afraid this is where we part ways.

Roman then aims his cane and shoots a projectile at it. X-49 fires his pistol at the projectile, creating a powerful explosion. As the two recover from the explosion, they spot Roman heading to the rooftop of a nearby building. The two were quick to begin chasing him. After a brief chase, they corner Roman, but he seems unfazed. 

Roman: You two are quite persistent! 

Suddenly, a large airship emerged and shined a bright spotlight on the two. The door opened and Roman jumped inside.

Roman: End of the line, Red!

Roman then throws a red crystal at them. Roman then aimed his cane and shot at it. Before the explosion could consume them, a Huntress rushed to their side and blocked the explosion. 

X-49: Thanks for the assistance. 

Ruby: So cool! 

The Huntress then tries to use a telepathic attack to bring down the ship, but the ship remains in the air. X-49 then takes the opportunity to jump on top of it. Meanwhile, Roman rushed to the pilot which was a woman wearing a red dress.

Roman: We got a Huntress! Something's holding the ship!

The woman then gave Roman the controls to the airship. She then moved to the opening and began firing fire from her hands towards the Huntress. As Roman takes control of the ship, he spots X-49 trying to break through the glass. 

X-49: You're not going anywhere!

Roman: I'm afraid robots are not allowed on board! 

Roman then pulls out a pistol from the cockpit and begins firing. The bullets strike X-49, causing him to lose his balance and falls off the airship. X-49 then crashes on top of a nearby car. After the crash, X-49 recovers to see the airship flying away. X-49 then fires his twin pistols into the airship, but the bullets do little damage. All he could do was watch as the airship flew away. 

X-49: Damn...

With the airship gone, X-49 made his way back to the rooftop where Ruby and the Huntress were. As X-49 made his way to the rooftop, Ruby ran over to the robot and hugged him. 

Ruby: Are you okay, big brother?! That was a big fall!

X-49: I'll be fine, kiddo. Some light repairs and I'll be good as new. What about you? 

Ruby: I'm fine. This Huntress was so awesome!

The Huntress took great interest in X-49 as he holsters his Twin Pistols. 

Huntress: Come with me. I have questions for you two. 

X-49: Shouldn't you be going after that airship?

Huntress: That ship will be long gone by the time I begin my pursuit. As I said, I have questions for you two. Follow me. 

With that, X-49 and Ruby followed the Huntress to answer her questions about what had just occurred. 

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