Chapter Seventy Six - With Friends Like These

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In Ironwood's office, X-49 and the rest of Ruby's group found themselves locked in with Ironwood and the Ace-Ops.

Weiss: Please, think about what you're doing.

Harriet: You heard the general. Until this is sorted out, you're under arrest.

Yang: Really?

Vine: Please. Don't make this difficult.

Blake: Don't make us have to get out of here by force.

It was at this point that an all out fight was about to break out.

Marrow: Whoa, whoa, whoa. We're not actually going to slug this out, are we?

Harriet: We're not doing anything. They decide what happens next.

As the Ace-Ops moved to take them into custody, X-49 step forward.

X-49: General, think about what you're doing. The only way we're going to stop Salem is....

Ironwood: You all have left me with no choice, X-49. Surrender or we will use force.

At this point, X-49 began to survey the area. X-49 knew that he and the rest of the group needed to escape as quickly as possible. X-49 begins using his scanners to survey the area for any structural weaknesses.

X-49: It doesn't have to go down like this, General. You don't have to do this.

Ironwood: I've played the everyone else's rules for far too long. If we had done things my way, this threat would've already have ended. We're staying the course.

X-49: If we stay the course, we are dead! We are all dead!

As X-49 said this, the situation became tense. It was clear to him that Ironwood was willing to take this kind of risk. X-49 didn't want to have to fight Ironwood. In a last ditch effort to try and calm the situation, X-49 speaks up.

X-49: You say you're nothing like General Lainus. What you're doing now is exactly the kind of thing General Lainus would do. But it's not too late, General. You can still do the right thing. I still believe you are a good man. But you know what's out there! You know what's coming for us! Fighting amongst each other is exactly what she wants! The only way we can stop her is together!

Ironwood: If you really think that, then you'll turn yourselves in and let me do what needs to be done for the greater good. Otherwise, I'll have no choice but to use force. And as far as I'm concerned, you're still technically Atlas property. 

With that, it became clear that Ironwood had no intention of backing down

Harriet: You think you're going to stop us. We're the best Huntsmen in Atlas.

Ruby: You were. Then you trained us.

On that prompt, X-49 shoots a structural weakness on the ceiling above Ironwood and the Ace-Ops. Ruby uses her Semblance to rush past the Ace-Ops, smashing straight through the door, and Harriet angrily chases after her with her own Semblance. The remaining members of RWBY and Ace-Ops charge forward and attack. Left with no other option, X-49 joins in. When Ironwood fires several shots from his pistol, X-49 shoots the bullets with his pistols. X-49 then disarms Ironwood and kicks him to the ground. At this point, X-49 could see that they were low on time.

Blake: We need to get out of here!

With that, X-49 along with the rest of Team RWBY exit the office just as the entrance was caved in.

X-49: That should buy us some time.

Ruby: We have to get to the Relic and the Winter Maiden!

X-49: Then let's not waste any time!

With that, X-49 along with Team RWBY began moving through the halls of the Atlas Academy. Soon enough, the alarm begins blaring throughout the Academy.

Yang: That's not good....

X-49: We'll have to split up to try and divide Ironwood's forces. I will try to get the Winter Maiden!

Weiss: I'll join you!

Ruby: Just be careful, guys. There's no telling what Ironwood's going to do if he catches us. 

With that, X-49 and Weiss splits up from the main group to find the Winter Maiden. Meanwhile, Winter and Penny were preparing for the process of transferring the Winter Maiden's powers to Winter.

Winter: I hope it will be painless for her.

Penny: You said your personal feelings do not matter.

Winter: They won't change my actions. What I'm committed to. The power of the Winter Maiden and the Relic must be kept from our enemies. Even if it means she dies. But yes Penny, we must still acknowledge our personal feelings, wrestle with them. It ensures us that we're on the right path. It's what makes us human.

Penny: I think... I think I understand.

Suddenly, explosions were heard. Before they could react, Winter and Penny were attacked by Cinder Fall.

Cinder: Hmm. Both of Ironwood's puppets. Lucky me.

Winter: Cinder.

Penny: You were responsible for Beacon. For what happened to me.

Cinder: It was unfortunately temporary. Now step aside or there won't be anything left to salvage this time.

As Cinder says this, she forms a fireball from her hand and aims it at Penny.

Cinder: What do you think of that?

Penny: I gives me personal feelings.

Penny then readies Floating Array and attacks Cinder alongside Winter. Meanwhile, X-49 and Weiss moved through the Atlas Academy in search for the Winter Maiden. As they did so, Weiss expressed a possible concern. 

Weiss: you think we'll have to fight Winter?

X-49: I don't know. If she's on board with Ironwood, then we'll be left with no other choice. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that.

With that, X-49 and Weiss moved through the Atlas Academy in search of the Winter Maiden, not knowing what was waiting for them. In that moment, X-49 along with the rest of Ruby's group were on their own. At the same time, Salem was ready to make her move on Atlas. 

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