Chapter Sixty Two - The Leviathan

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After the defeat of Adam Taurus, X-49 along with Blake and Yang made their way back the group where the rest of Ruby's group were. They were all quick to notice a disabled mech looming over them.

Ruby: Yang! Blake! Are you okay?

Before anyone could answer that, the Leviathan lets out a deafening roar.

Yang: Was that a giant Grimm?

Weiss: Yes... and we just ruined the only thing capable of stopping it...

With that, everyone boarded the airship Weiss was able to steal from Cordovin. As the airship flew, Blake felt guilty about what happened.

Blake: I'm so sorry...

Yang: Don't be. This isn't on you.

X-49: Yang is right, Blake. You couldn't have known that this would happen. 

Maria: I suppose I have to be the bad guy and say it, getting the lamp to Atlas is still our top priority, and right now we have the perfect opportunity to head straight for it. We may not get another chance like this.

Yang: No way!

Weiss: We can't leave, not like this.

Blake: It's like you said, a Huntress is supposed to protect others to the bitter end.

X-49: We cannot leave these people behind! Those people need our help. We cannot abandon them!

Ruby: We need to head for the Leviathan. Jaune, can you and Ren be ready to mask our ship?

Ren: I think we can manage.

Jaune: Got a few ideas?

X-49 looked at the Leviathan. It was easily the biggest Grimm he had ever seen. With that, Ruby went to the top of the airship as the airship approached the Leviathan. X-49 then begins following Ruby.

Blake: Where are you going?

X-49: I'm going to help Ruby. 

Yang: But your injuries....

X-49: I'm still a little sore, but the repairs took care of the worst of it. I'll be fine. 

With that, X-49 exited the ship. As Ruby prepared to try and use her Silver Eyes to fight the Leviathan, X-49 joined her.

Ruby: X-9?! What are your doing up here?!

X-49: I'm going to help you, Kiddo. I will do what I can to buy you time.

Ruby: How will you.....

Before Ruby could finish her sentence, X-49 jumped off the top of the airship and landed on Leviathan's arm.

Ruby: Whoa...he jumps good....

On the Leviathan, X-49 begins climbing up the Leviathan's arm. The Leviathan seems to not notice X-49 as he climbs up the Leviathan's arm. Eventually, X-49 reaches the top of the Leviathan's arm. X-49 then aims his pistol at the Leviathan's face and fires several well placed shots. This causes the Leviathan to let out a bellowing roar. The Leviathan then attempts to swat X-49 away, but the Combat Droid jumps on to the other arm. X-49 clings on as the Leviathan raises it's arm. Seeing an opportunity, X-49 jumps off and lands on the Leviathan's head. X-49 then fires both of his pistols into the Leviathan's head, causing immense pain. The Leviathan roars as it tries to fight back. As X-49 defends himself against the Leviathan's attacks, Ruby tries to put herself in the state of mind to use her Silver Eyes, but memories of all that had happened to her began to hold her back. To buy herself more time, Ruby summons Jinn, which freezes time. In that moment, Ruby's takes the time to reflect on the happier memories. Using those memories, Ruby activates her Sliver Eyed powers and petrifies the Leviathan. As the Leviathan is turned to stone, X-49 jumps off the Leviathan and leaps to the top of the airship. X-49 quickly loses balance and hangs on the ramp. As he loses his grip, Ruby catches X-49, but his weight was nearly too much for Ruby. Yang soon intervened and pulls him up.

X-49: Thanks, girls. 

Ruby/Yang: Don't mention it.....

Suddenly, the sound of cracking was heard as the Leviathan slowly began to break free.

Ruby: No....

Suddenly, the mech began to move towards the Leviathan. Cordovin then speaks through the intercoms.

Cordovin(Intercom): I'll take it from here! After all, I was sworn to protect the people!

The mech's left hand soon turned into a giant drill, its arm cannon now detached. The Colossus then runs towards the petrified Leviathan. The Colossus then plunges the drill into the Leviathan, killing it. X-49, Ruby and Yang get back into the airship, Ruby contacts Cordovin via her scroll.

Ruby: Thank you. And... I'm sorry.

Cordovin(Scroll): The Atlas military can handle the stragglers.

Ruby: What, uh... What are you saying?

Cordovin(Scroll): I'm saying I don't think anyone would notice if one more ship went missing in my lengthy report.

With that, Cordovin had allowed the airship carrying Ruby's group to leave. Inside the airship, Ruby takes a moment to catch her breath.

Qrow: Hey, Ruby. You did great out there today, kid. Just don't go giving me heart attacks like that again.

Ezio: You've done a great thing today, Ruby. You all did. I am honored to stand by your side in this fight.

With that, the airship continued it's journey to Atlas. As everyone took the time to rest, Qrow looks out the cockpit window.

Qrow: Hey, if you've never seen Atlas in person before, you don't wanna miss this.

As Qrow said this, everyone walked up to the cockpit window to see clouds. The anticipation of seeing Atlas filled the air.

Ruby: Is it weird that I'm sorta nervous?

Yang: No, I'll believe we've made it to Atlas when I see it.

Weiss: Well... believe it.

As the airship comes out of the clouds, and the floating city of Atlas is seen coming into view. Everyone was stunned by the sight of the floating city.

Nora: Wow!

Maria: You know, you make the trip up to Atlas over and over, but you never get used to that view.

X-49: I know this'll sound crazy, but this feels awfully familiar. I've been there before...

As the airship flies closer to Atlas, Weiss leans forward. A look of concern soon falls on her face.

Ruby: Weiss, what is it?

As Ruby says this, everyone spots countless Atlas airships surrounding the city as a blockade.

Weiss: The Atlas air fleet... I knew all of our ships were called back, but...

Qrow: They're set up like they're expecting an attack...

Suddenly, the radio turns on.

Radio: Manta 5-1, welcome home...

In that moment, the journey to Atlas had ended. However, the next step of their journey to stop Salem had reached a new dangerous height. Despite this, both X-49 and Ruby's Group remained steadfast in their efforts to save Remnant from the forces of darkness.

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