Chapter Sixty One - X-49 VS Adam

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As X-49 and Adam stared each other down, Adam made the first move by lunging at him. X-49 whipped out his pistols and began firing at Adam, but the Bull Faunus deflects the bullets. When Adam got close, he knocks the pistols out of X-49's hands. The Combat Droid then dodges and parries Adam's attacks. Anger grips Adam as he pushes back against Pip. During the initial duel, X-49 grabs the sword. While Adam was seething in rage, X-49 maintained his calm and collected demeanor.

Adam: I'll finish what I started!

X-49: Oh I don't think so!

Enraged by X-49's words, Adam broke the lock and attacked X-49 with a series of power strikes in an attempt to break through his defenses. However, X-49 still maintains a strong defense as he parried Adam's attacks. After parrying one of Adam's strikes, X-49 lands a kick that knocks Adam back several feet. 

 Adam: I won't let you stand in my way!

Consumed by his anger and rage, Adam charges up his Moonslice Semblance. Knowing what Adam was about to do, Blake warns X-49.

Blake: X-49! Don't let Adam hit you! His Semblance absorbs energy through his sword, stores it up and then sends it back outward!

Heeding Blake's warning, X-49 glances over to his pistols. As Adam charges at him, X-49 rushes to grab his pistols. Adam then generates afterimages of himself. As Adam got closer, X-49 took aim with his pistols and fired it at Adam, hitting him in the shoulder. This caused Adam to break off his attack. Seizing the opportunity, X-49 tackles Adam and the two have an intense close quarters battle. Adam soon gets the upper hand kicks X-49 in the face, pushing him back. As X-49 recovers from Adam's attack, Adam lunges at him and manages to slash at X-49's arm. X-49 responds by landing several punches at Adam. 

Adam: Before I kill you, I want to know why. Why do you continuously put yourself in harm's way for her?

X-49: What can I say? I've always hated bullies. You've caused quite a bit of trouble and pain to those two girls. I'm going to put an end to it.

Adam: I loved her once. Now look what she turned me into.

X-49: I'm not about to let you hurt Blake just as I won't let you hurt Yang. 

In that moment, Adam was overcome with rage as he attacked X-49 with powerful power strikes. Adam then charges up his Moonslice Semblance and attempts to fire a large energy blast to kill Blake and Yang. Without hesitation, X-49 jumps in front of the attack and saves Blake and Yang. The attack critically damages X-49

X-49: Damn....

Adam then charges at X-49 and the two engage in a brutal fight. X-49 punches Adam in the face and follows through by kneeing him in the face. Adam then strikes X-49 with his sword, stunning him. As Adam was about to strike down X-49, Lulu lunges at Adam and begins biting on his arm. 

Adam: Argh! You fucking mutt!

As Adam grabs Lulu, X-49 tackles Adam to the ground. During the melee, Adam grabs a rock and hits X-49 in the face with it. The force of the attack stunned the Combat Droid, allowing Adam to pin him to the ground. As the battle turned against X-49, an exhausted Blake turns to see one of X-49's revolver. Operating on instinct, Blake crawls to the pistol. When she grabs the pistol, she cocks it and attempts to aim at Adam, but her arm is shaking. Yang then tightly grips Blake's arm to steady her aim.

Blake: ADAM!

Upon hearing his name, Adam looks up in shock to see Blake aiming X-49's Revolver at him. Without hesitation, Blake fires a shot, hitting Adam in the shoulder. She fires once more, hitting Adam in the chest. She fires the last bullet, hitting Adam in the neck. As Adam staggers back, X-49 takes the opportunity to grab his other pistol and fires a round into Adam's chest. Adam groans in pain as X-49 speaks.

X-49: That was for Yang, you son of a bitch!

X-49 then holsters his pistol. As Adam took his last breath, he slumps forward and falls off the bridge. On his fall down, his body hits the cliffside with a sickening crunch, before disappearing into the water below. X-49 then checks on Lulu who whimpered. X-49 then scans Lulu to see that she is alright.

X-49: Lulu....sweet thing....

 At the same time, Blake falls to her knees as Yang runs to her. Blake began to sob as Yang embraced her.

Blake: I... I am not going to break my promise, I swear.

Yang: I know you won't.

After a moment, X-49 limps over to Blake and Yang while carrying Lulu.

X-49: Are you girls okay?

Blake: We're...we're fine. Are you....

X-49: A little sore, but I'll live.

For a moment, X-49 drops to his knees as the damage sustained by Adam took it's toll. 

Yang: X-9! 

X-49: Give....give me a second. 

After a moment, X-49 gets up and begins initiating repair protocols. 

Blake: I...I was unable to deactivate the radar.

X-49: It doesn't matter. We still have a job to do.

With that, X-49 along with Blake and Yang left the waterfall to join the others to adapt the plan. But in that moment, Adam Taurus was dead and he could no longer torment Blake. X-49 had settled his unfinished business with Adam as well as avenging what Adam did to Yang and help Blake end that torment once and for all.

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