Chapter One Hundred - The Perils Of Paper Houses

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As the Sun rose in the Paper Acre, Penny was the first to wake up. X-49, Lulu and Team RWBY was still sleeping. Suddenly, a crash is heard, and Jaune bolts awake.

Jaune: I'm late!

X-49 and Team RWBY wake up hearing the commotion.

X-49: What the hell?!

Jaune: I'm late! I'm late!

Jaune hops over Team RWBY as he bursts out the door. X-49 along with Team RWBY and Penny gets up and follows him out.

Weiss: What was that?!

Weiss looks over to see the town below is on fire.

Jaune: I overslept.... I never oversleep! Yesterday, ugh! All the excitement! Keep your head together, you can fix it! You always fix it!

X-49: What is going on?!

Jaune: I can't wait! I'm late! Any second there's gonna be another--

Another loud explosion is heard.

Jaune: Damn it, right on time! Get to town, I'll meet you there!

With that, X-49 and the others gathered their equipment and made their way into town.

Blake: Whoa...

Yang: Who makes a town out of paper?!

Blue Paper Pleaser: Hello.

Team RWBY turn around, startled.

Blue Paper Pleaser: Welcome to our village. We hope that it pleases you. Would you be so kind as to tell us what you are so that we may serve you?

Ruby: Serve us?!

Weiss: Your town is on fire!

Blue Paper Pleaser: We are quite safe! We have our hero!

Juniper is seen leaping over one of the emblazoned houses, Jaune is seen dumping a bucket of water over it, putting out the flames. Jaune lands by Team RWBY, the Paper Pleasers cheer.

Blue Paper Pleaser: Hooray! Three cheers for the Rusted Knight and his white rabbit!

Jaune: Stop! Stop, there's water everywhere, you'll dissolve!

Yellow Paper Pleaser: Hello, water. How may I serve you?

Jaune picks up the yellow Paper Pleaser.

Jaune: Stop that.... Ugh, I can't believe that almost happened. It's been ages since I missed the first fire.

Ruby: Do fires happen.... often?

Jaune: Oh, everyday.

Upon hearing this, the group was shocked.

X-49: How is this possible?

Jaune: Oh, uh right, I guess, uh... introductions. These... are the Paper Pleasers. They're probably the most polite, most hospitable Afterans around. Because... that's their purpose.

Ezio: So they're....slaves?

Jaune: No. When Alyx left me to die, Juniper found help, brought me to the Paper Pleasers, who got me back on my feet. They work all day, not just serving travelers, but serving the land they live on too. They beautify it, make it a place of peace. Unfortunately, they're...a bit clumsy, but that also makes them predictable.

At this point, it became clear that Jaune became overprotective of the Paper Pleasers. They soon learned that Jaune had named the Paper Pleasers after people back in Remnant, including themselves. Penny approached the Paper Pleaser named Penny who was colored green. 

Penny: Salutations!

Jaune: Okay, the disastrous lighting of the morning lantern is dealt with. That gives us just enough time to strategize before the calming pebble tower crumbles, crushing the koi pond dam, and flooding the entire village! So I'm thinking....quick brunch?

As the group found a place to eat, Jaune lays out a map detailing all the areas they have found so far.

Jaune: Over the years, Juniper and I have been systematically exploring as many of the nearby acres as possible. If you think you've seen it all here, let me tell haven't.

Blake: What exactly have you been looking for?

Jaune: Anyone or anything that might be able to take us back home.

Weiss: Okay...and, what have you found?

Jaune: Uh, so far? I mean, not much, but I got a really, really good feeling about this one acre we saw with a bunch of pyramids.

Yang: Sorry, um... I'm just... trying to make sure I follow. Do you have any leads... at all? Any other plans?

Jaune: the plan. Look, I- I'm sorry I didn't solve all our problems by myself, but... I- I can't just run off and let them die! But, between protecting the village, searching for you guys, searching for an exit... we've got a really tight schedule to keep. Or rather, you've got a tight schedule to keep.

As Jaune shows the schedule, it became clear that the Paper Acre was a place filled with disasters.

Jaune: With this, you guys can save the day no problem, which means I can go out to keep searching without any interruptions. With Juniper's speed and my familiarity with this place, we'll find our solution in no time.

At this point, the group began to grow concerned about Jaune. As he walked away to prepare for the next disaster, Yang looked at the list.

Yang: Damnit, Jaune. This isn't a plan, it's a to do list.

Blake: He's obviously been through a lot...

Yang: Yeah....

Blake: We can be frustrated later. Right now, Jaune needs us. And we still need him. We just.... can't count on him.

X-49: Jaune means well, but....but this is an obsession. 

Penny: Can you blame him? He doesn't want to lose any more people. He's lost so much....

Weiss: Then who does that leave us with? It's obvious we need someone to guide us or we could end up thrown back in time, or killed by the tree, or worse...

Ruby: Well, if that's how everybody--

Purple Paper Pleaser: The Great Tree does not kill. That is what we keep trying to tell him. But our hero still insists that we never ascend...

The Purple Paper Pleaser places another plate down on their table. Weiss, Blake and Yang look to the Paper Pleaser, while Ruby looks down, still looking sullen.

Weiss: What?

Purple Paper Pleaser: I do not wish to be rude, but our work has been completed for quite some time. Because of us, the land is beautiful, but we have realized that like ourselves, it is also very delicate. We would like to make something that is pleasing, but also resilient. Because of this, we are ready to leave ourselves and merge with the Tree, so that it might return us as something new. But...our hero is displeased by this course of action. We tried reaching out to the Tree, but our hero forbade it. Then, the wisest of our village suggested breaking from our physical forms, so that the winds may carry us back to the Tree. But our hero is clever and brave, always keeping us from harm. You must understand, the Tree does not kill, it resurrects and rebuilds. We do not wish to displease our hero, and I hope I have not displeased you, but... we so desperately wish to return to the Tree, to return home, so that we may carry on with our work.

Yang: Return home, huh?

X-49: There....there must be another way...

Penny: There may not be another way. 

Purple Paper Pleaser: Oh, do not be sad! The wisest are going to topple the Pebble Tower today! I am sure it will work this time.

As the Paper Pleaser said this, it became clear that Jaune protecting the Paper Pleasers had troubling consequences. In that moment, the group faced a moral conundrum.

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