Chapter Forty Six - Rest & Resolution

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In the house that they were staying in, Team RNJR were helping prepare dinner: Ruby Rose and Lie Ren are cooking at the stove, Jaune Arc is setting up the table, and Nora Valkyrie is cutting carrots, occasionally eating slices. When Qrow calls her, she is shocked to see that Yang and Weiss along with X-49 and Lulu were in the house. The three members of Team RWBY share a heartwarming reunion. After that, X-49 has his own reunion with Ruby. He smiles at her as tears begin falling from her eyes. He simply hugs her. After the reunions, all have dinner together, sharing stories of what they have been up to since they last saw each other. During this, Yang was arm wrestling Nora. Yang pulled a trick on Nora by detaching her robotic arm during an arm wrestling match. This lighten up the mood in the room. X-49 chuckled. 

X-49: Nice one, Firecracker. 

Yang: Let's just say I had some time to think over what happened to Beacon. It's not a replacement for the real thing, but I'll make sure to make good use of it.

After dinner, everyone relocates to the second-floor living room, with Weiss and Yang having finished being filled in on what everyone else knows so far. Team RNJR had been searching for Cinder. During this time, they encountered a madman named Tyrian Callows who revealed himself to be a servant of Salem. After being caught up to speed, they begin discussing about everything that had happened and what they learned. 

Weiss: So, the Maidens. Magic. Salem. It's all true?

Qrow: Uh-huh.

Ozpin: Miss Xiao Long, is this more or less what your mother told you?

Yang and Weiss didn't respond for a moment. X-49 was taken aback by all of this. He remember reading those fairy tales to Ruby and Yang when they were little. To hear that they were all real came as a shock to the Combat Droid. 

Weiss: For the most part.

Yang: You forgot something. You forgot to tell everyone what you did to Qrow and my mother.

Ruby gasps.

Jaune: What is she talking about?

Qrow: Oh, great.

Ozpin: Hm, that's not a secret I thought she would give up so easily. Your mother must trust you a great deal.

Yang scowls at him.

Ozpin: My ability to reincarnate, though a curse, isn't without a few key benefits. Much like the Maidens, I too possess a certain... "magical" power. Using this power, I was able to gift the Branwen twins the ability to "see" more, to move freely and be unburdened by their natural bodies. I... well... gave them the ability to turn into birds. Rather ridiculous sounding out loud, isn't it?

Oscar(Voice): Wait, what?

Ruby: Uncle?

Ren: You turned them... into birds.

Nora: Alright, now you're just messing with us.

Jaune: What else is new?

Weiss: He's telling the truth. We saw it. Yang's mom... changed, right in front of us.

Yang: Why would you do something like that? I mean, what is wrong with you?

Qrow: Yang, that's enough! We made a choice. We wanted this.

Yang then turns to X-49.

Yang: Did you know about all this, X-9?

X-49: Only the part where Qrow and Raven could turn into birds, but that happened long before I was reactivated. Everything before that is news to me. 

Ruby: Okay, so, have you done this with others? Like General Ironwood? Or Professor Goodwitch?

Ozpin: As helpful as that might be, unfortunately, it is not that simple. My power is finite, and if I'm being honest, dwindling. The amount that I gifted to Qrow and Raven was, all things considered, rather miniscule. You see, centuries ago, I sacrificed a great deal of magic to four young women, who I hoped would use my gift for good. They were the first Maidens. Miss Xiao Long, it was never my intention to lie to you. To any of you. There are just some matters that I prefer to... "play close to the chest". I believe that's how you phrased it?

Qrow: Yeah.

Ozpin: Everyone has a choice. The Branwens chose to accept their powers and the responsibilities that came with them. And later, one of them chose to abandon her duties in favor of her own self-interest. Now, all of you have a choice. If anyone wishes to leave, now is the time. There's no shame or disgrace in abstaining, only in retreat.

Everyone is silent as they ponder Ozpin's words.

Ozpin: Very well, then.

Yang suddenly stands up.

Ruby: Yang?

Yang: If Ruby sticks around, then I will too. If there's one thing I know about her, it's that she somehow always knows the right thing to do. But, if we're going to help, if we're going to keep risking our lives, no more lies. No more half-truths.

Everyone remains silent. Ozpin and Qrow exchange a brief look with each other. Ozpin ponders Yang's words for one last moment, before responding. 

Ozpin: Understood. The road ahead is undoubtedly filled with hardships and peril. However, it's been far too long since you have all been together. Please, take tonight, enjoy this moment.

Suddenly Oscar's eyes glow, with Ozpin giving him control back to his body. Oscar realizes he has his hand on Yang's shoulder. quickly takes it off and nervously holds his cane in his hand. Yang and Weiss laugh at him, before hearing a noise from Nora.

Nora: Oooohhh. Raven? Qrow? They're birds!! Cracked it!

Ren shakes his head at Nora being slow on the uptake. X-49 simply chuckles as he begins to sing a song.

X-49(Singing): Show me the way to go home, I'm tired and I want to go to bed.

It was at this moment that Qrow joined along.

X-49/Qrow(Singing): I had a little drink about an hour ago, And it's gone right to me head, Wherever I may roam, On land or sea or foam, You will always hear me singing this song, Show me the way to go home.

As the two finish singing, X-49 and Qrow laugh heartily.

X-49: Well would you look at that? This drunken old bird knows how to sing.

Qrow: This drunken old bird's got plenty of tricks, X-49.

In that moment, everyone found the resolve to keep going. They would take the night to enjoy each other's companies. But that bliss would be short lived as the forces of evil had begun setting in motion their plan to attack Haven.

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