Chapter One Hundred Seven - A Life For A Life

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In the aftermath of their battle with X-49, Team RWBY along with Penny and Jaune gathered around X-49's lifeless body. They desperately tried everything in their power to reactivate X-49. But the damage X-49 had down to his own power core was severe. When it seemed as if there was no hope of reactivating X-49, Ruby and Yang cried over the loss of their adopted brother. 

Yang: No....not like this....

Ruby: X-9....please.....

As Ruby and Yang cried over the loss of X-49, Blake and Weiss as well as Jaune did everything they could to comfort Ruby and Yang, knowing how much X-49 meant to them. As for Lulu, she sadly whimpered as she pushed her head against X-49's arm, as if gesturing him to move and pet her. But his arms stood still. As everyone mourned the loss of X-49, Penny stepped forward. 

Penny: I know what I must do. 

Jaune: What do you mean? 

Penny: When I reactivated X-49, he was confused at my presence. He told me that my Maiden powers had already been passed on to Winter before she fell. 

Weiss: But...but how is that possible? You''re still alive. 

Penny: Perhaps time moves differently here. We are all evidence of this. You all remained your age while Jaune and I aged greatly. X-49 too. But now I know what I must do.

Ruby: You can bring X-9 back? 

Penny said nothing as she looked at the deactivated X-49. After a moment of uneasy silence, Penny turned to the still grieving Ruby and Yang. 

Penny: Throughout my time here in the Ever After, I have become quite attuned to my Maiden Powers. Among the powers I have learned is that of essence transfer. 

Jaune: Essence transfer? 

Penny: The ability to transfer one's own essence into another. It is a rare ability that Maidens can only attain by years upon years of honing their powers. And I had plenty of time to do so. 

Penny walked over to X-49 and activated her Maiden Powers. As she prepared to do so, Ruby spoke with Penny. 

Yang: What...what will happen to you?

Penny: All of my essence shall be transferred onto X-49, giving him life. 

Ruby: But you'll die....

Penny: I have lived my life as best as I could. I have done good in both Remnant and the Ever After. I have seen and done incredible things. But most importantly, I have found dear friends who I would consider as close as family. Ruby, I thank you for making my life as joyful as it was. I....I only wish we had more time. 

As Ruby said this, she grasped at what was about to happen. She knew that by giving X-49 her essence, Penny would be sacrificing herself. With tears streaming down your face, she hugged Penny tightly. Penny returned the hug. 

Penny: Thank you, Ruby....for all that you've done for me.

As Penny said this, she looked at the rest of Team RWBY and Jaune one final time and smiled. They all joined Ruby in hugging Penny. After that, Penny took a deep breath and began using her Maiden Powers to transfer her essence into X-49's body. As she poured her essence into X-49's body, she could feel herself getting weaker and weaker. But despite this, Penny refused to allow X-49 to die. As the last of Penny's essence was transferred onto X-49, she collapsed, dying peacefully. There was a moment of silence as the others both mourned for Penny and waited for X-49 to come back. At first, it looked like it was all for nothing. But then a low hum was heard as X-49's circuits began to power up. X-49's core began to power up as well. Eventually, X-49's eyes opened as he woke up. 

X-49: Where....where am I? 

As X-49 was revived, Ruby and Yang tightly hugged X-49. Lulu barked happily as she jumped X-49. It wasn't long before X-49 noticed something different about himself. 

X-49: The...the Black Queen's gone....

X-49 smiled as the thing that made him a danger to his family was finally gone. He didn't think that he could recover from this. But he still couldn't fathom how he was still here. He had shot his power core which should have killed him. But then he looked at Penny. 

X-49: Penny?

When Penny didn't respond, X-49 glanced over to Ruby who began tearing up. When X-49 used his scanners on Penny, he found nothing. 

Ruby: Penny....she transferred her essence to give you. She's....she's gone....

As Ruby's said this, Penny's body began to glow as her Maiden powers were transferred to another: Winter Schnee. It was in that moment that X-49 realized this. 

X-49: Her powers are going to Winter.....that's when she....

As X-49 came to that conclusion, X-49 stood up and approached Penny's body. Penny's body then ascended into the Tree. It wasn't long until Penny's wooden form appeared within the Tree. X-49 was taken aback by this. Penny had given her life so that he may live. It then began to rain. Though X-49 couldn't cry, the rain seemed to do so for him. X-49 took his hat off in solidarity for Penny's sacrifice. Team RWBY and Jaune followed X-49's lead. 

X-49: Rest easy, easy.....

X-49 and the others took a moment to mourn the loss of Penny. After they mourned the loss of Penny, they walked through the doors leading into the Tree. The group take a deep breath as they walk through the door, ready to at last return home.

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