Chapter Seventy Five - Gravity

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As the evacuation of Mantle continued, X-49 regrouped with Team RWBY and the Ace-Ops in Atlas. As they reached Ironwood's office, they soon learned that both Arthur Watts and Tyrian Callows had been captured. Watts was locked up in a cell in the Atlas Academy while Tyrian was in transit. Inside Ironwood's office, he briefs them on what has transpired.

Ironwood: We have made a critical error. The Black Queen was the symbol Salem showed us before we lost everything. Her way of telling us she was inside. That it was too late. We stopped Watts. We stopped Callows, but someone was here. They put this in my office to tell me that...

Everyone became concerned as Ironwood began to lose his nerve.

Vine: In trying to save everyone, we left ourselves most vulnerable.

Ironwood: Salem has been one step ahead of us this entire time!

As Ironwood slams his fists on his desk, Ruby notices a chess piece made of glass. The type of glass was familiar.

Ruby: That's Cinder.

Yang: She's alive? And she's here?!

Ironwood: If Cinder's here, then, for all we know, Hazel's here, too!

Blake: Sir, this isn't over yet. We're with you.

Ironwood: Are you really with me?

When questioned about Robyn's knowledge of the Amity Tower, Yang confesses that she had told her about it. The Ace-Ops feel a sense of betrayal.

Elm: You did what?!

Yang: We were trying to help.

Marrow: By going behind our backs?!

X-49: Robyn was only doing what she thought was right. In this fight, we need all the friends we can get. 

Harriet: Does that mean you let her escape?

Yang: Robyn is on our side! She always has been.

Ironwood: We didn't know that for sure.

Weiss: None of this matters right now!

Ironwood: Loyalty always matters!

Suddenly, a Seer appears from Watts's bag. It soon creates an apparition of Salem.

Salem: General Ironwood. The brave Huntsmen and Huntresses bested Arthur Watts. Congratulations.

Ruby: We stopped Tyrian, too. And we'll stop Cinder, and anyone else you try to send here.

Salem: Dear girl, their goal was never victory. It was merely to set the stage.

Ironwood: For what?

Salem: For me. Time isn't on your side, James. It's always been on mine. The people of Atlas have suffered enough. Surrender the Staff and the Lamp to me, and they needn't suffer any further.

It was at this point that X-49 stepped up and confronted the apparition of Salem.

Salem: So you must be the toy soldier I've heard so much about. 

X-49: And you must be Salem. I gotta admit, you're shorter than I suspected.

Salem: How humorous for a machine. Perhaps Watts could reprogram you to be a more....faithful servant. A machine of your skill would be most useful. 

X-49: Not interested, lady. I like where I'm at. 

Ruby: We've seen what you're capable of. The lamp showed us. It showed us everything. We've seen that you can't be killed. But we've also seen you fail. We don't have to kill you to stop you. And we will stop you.

Salem: Your mother said those words to me. And she was wrong.

As Salem said this, Ruby's heart stopped. She broke down as memories of her mother began to take hold. Her silver eyes flicker a couple of times, and then she yelps as her eyes emit a brief flash. She whimpers, gripping her head and swaying. Salem watches as Ruby drops to her knees, sobbing and whimpering with her head in her hands. Yang hurries to Ruby's side and drops to her knees beside her, and Ruby leans over to rest her head on Yang's lap. At this point, X-49 confronts Salem. 

X-49: Play your games, Salem. It won't work. We'll stop you no matter what. You can count on that. 

Salem: Poor fool. You have no idea what you are facing. But I can't say that I'm surprised. A machine like you could never fully comprehend the futility of your efforts. You are only delaying the inevitable. Try all you want. It will amount to nothing.

X-49: Don't be so sure, Salem. We just might surprise you. 

Salem: Your words are as empty as your future. I am vanguard of your destruction. This exchange is over.

The apparition of Salem fades away, leaving everyone in the room stunned.

Marrow: That's Salem?! That's who we're up against?!

Harriet: And she's apparently on her way.

It was at this point that the gravity of the situation was made known. Salem had revealed herself. As everyone took the time to process this, Ironwood simply remained silent. He soon reveals that Winter has been sent to inherit the powers of the Winter Maiden. He also reveals to have both the Lamp and the Staff locked away.

Ruby: I said we could keep it.

Ironwood: Well, that was before you lied to me about the Lamp. Before you lied to us about Robyn, before Salem was right on our doorstep. Before Mantle was nearly destroyed, and myself and my army were left exhausted.

X-49: Now is not the time for this. We've got bigger problems!

Ironwood: The timeline has changed. And so we must change accordingly.

Harriet: What are our orders, sir?

Ironwood: We are going to take our plan for Amity Tower and apply it to the city of Atlas.

Upon hearing this, everyone was shocked.

Ironwood: If we harness the power of the Staff, and raise ourselves high into the atmosphere, the city's artificial climate will keep citizens and food supplies unharmed. Always out of reach of whatever Salem may try to send our way.

Ruby: But we have an opportunity to reunite the world. If we launch the tower, we can all work together again. We could even call for help. If we can hold out long enough....

Ironwood soon holsters his gun up and aims it at Ruby. Immediately, X-49 and the rest of the group become uneasy.

X-49: Don't do this, General! This is exactly what Salem wants!

Ironwood: Sometimes, doing the right thing means making tough decisions.

Blake: You're right. And I think the right thing to do would be to stand our ground.

Ironwood: I'm sorry it's come to this, but until Atlas and the Relics are safe, you're all under arrest.

With that, the doors behind Team RWBY began to close, locking them in with Ironwood and the Ace-Ops. In that moment, Ironwood ceased to be an ally and became an enemy. 

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