Chapter One Hundred Six - Cold Fury

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As X-49 was under the complete control of the Black Queen Protocols, he unloaded both of his pistols on Team RWBY, Jaune and Penny. Without warning, X-49 runs at Team RWBY and attacks them.

Ruby: X-9! Stop! This isn't you!

Yang: Yeah, bro! You can fight this!

X-49 said nothing as he attacked them with killer intent. When X-49 grabbed Yang by the throat, Blake attacked him with Gambol Shroud. Weiss then unleashes a powerful Glyph which freezes X-49 in place. X-49 breaks out of the ice with ease and fires his pistol at Weiss, but Jaune steps in front of her and blocks the bullets with his shield. 

Jaune: You don't have to do this! 

X-49 pressed forward as he continued firing both of his pistols. When he got close, X-49 knocks the shield out of Jaune's hand. He then grabs Jaune by his head and slams him to the ground. Before he could kill Jaune, Penny steps in and unleashes her Maiden Powers on X-49, blasting him away. At this point, Team RWBY regrouped with Penny and Jaune. 

Yang: This...this is bad!

Ruby: We....we have to help X-9!

Penny: X-49 won't stop. Whatever was done to him has stripped him of his emotions. He's now what he was originally programmed to be: a relentless machine built for war....

As Penny said this, Ruby looked to see Lulu running towards X-49. She noticed that X-49 was not paying any attention to Lulu, despite Lulu barking loudly at him. 

Ruby: He's not paying attention to Lulu.....

X-49 began firing his pistols, forcing Weiss to summon a Glyph to protect herself and the others. 

Blake: We...we need a plan!

Ruby: X-49 was able to beat the Black Queen Protocols before. He can....

Jaune: He....he may be too far gone.

Yang: No way, Jaune! We're not about to kill our own brother! Not after everything we've been through! 

Blake: I don't want to hurt X-49 anymore than we do, but we're outmatched. X-49 won't stop until he kills us all! 

As Team RWBY and the others tried to think of a plan, Ruby looked over at Lulu. Without hesitation, Ruby left the safety of the Glyph barrier and ran towards X-49 and Lulu. Ruby used her Petal Burst Semblance to safely navigate through the barrage of bullets. When she got close, Ruby grabbed Lulu and raised it over to X-49. 

Ruby: X-9!

As Ruby did this, X-49 seemed to stop. Everyone was shocked to see what was going on before them. 

Ruby: X-9, I know you're still in there! have to wake up! We need you! Everyone back on Remnant needs you! Lulu needs you. I need you! Please, X-9! 

Meanwhile deep within X-49's digital mind, X-49 watched helplessly as he tried to battle through the Black Queen Protocol's influence. But as he tried to regain control of his own body, a voice spoke out. 

???: There's no use in resisting, X-49. 

X-49 turned around to see Arthur Watts standing next to him.

X-49: Arthur Watts....

Watts: When I joined Salem's cabal, I anticipated my eventual demise. Ironic that I would meet my end in Atlas of all places. Not even death can hold me back. I knew Atlas might go pear-shaped, so just in case, I unloaded my consciousness within this programming. 

X-49: You bastard!

Watts: Despite his....tunnel vision, General Lanius was right about one thing: the potential of the X-Model Combat Droids are limitless. While that emotion chip was an ingenious invention, it severely limits your potential. 

X-49: I won't let you make me into a tool for Salem! 

Watts: Try as you may, it won't work. I designed the Black Queen Protocols myself. It was designed with the sole purpose of overriding that bothersome emotion chip. And with the emotion chip no longer a problem, you'll be taking care of our...little Huntsmen problem. 

X-49 once more tried to attempt to override the Black Queen Protocols with his will, X-49 found himself unable to do so. Watts chuckled at X-49's efforts. 

Watts: You don't lack for effort. However it's a fruitless endeavor. Even now, my influence is growing stronger. While I lack the capabilities to take over your body, you'll at least buy me time until the Black Queen Protocols can evolve to the point of eradicating your personality completely. That will take time of course but time has become somewhat of a luxury.  

X-49: Not if I stop you!

Watts: Unlikely. Even if you somehow managed to break free of the Black Queen Protocols, it will only be a matter of time until it takes hold again. And before you think of getting Doctor Polendina to try and erase the programming, I've put up considerable firewalls that if anyone attempts to undo the Black Queen Protocols, you will be destroyed. I'm afraid it's check and mate, X-49. 

As Watts said this, X-49 found an opportunity to regain control of his body. But he knew Watts was right. X-49 knew it would only be a matter of time until the Black Queen Protocols would take over of him again. He would be a constant danger to those he loved. In that moment, he made a decision. Meanwhile, X-49 managed to regain control over his body. 

X-49: Ruby.....

Ruby: X-9!

But as Ruby smiled, she noticed X-49's face. It was not his normal smile, but it was a sad smile. X-49 then looked at Lulu before looking back at Ruby. 

X-49: Lulu....sweet thing....

Ruby: X-9.....

X-49: Lulu. Take care of Lulu.

As he said this, X-49 turned both of his pistols and aimed them at his chest. He fired two shots into his chest. Ruby and the others watch in shock as X-49 falls to the ground, deactivated and seemingly destroyed. 

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