Chapter Thirty Three - Fall

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As the Vytal Festival continues, X-49 continues watching the tournament with obvious invested interest in Team RWBY winning. As Team RWBY advances to the final rounds, Yang Xiao Long was paired up against Mercury Black. X-49 watches the fight from the fairgrounds while he was walking Lulu. Lulu barks happily as Yang was seen on TV. He watched as Yang mopped the floor with him. It seemed as if Yang had won the match.

Port(TV): What a way to kick off the finals!

Oobleck(TV): Yang Xiao Long wins!

X-49: Good job, Sun Dragon.

As the announcement was made, X-49 smiled at Yang's performance. Suddenly, there was a strange occurrence. Yang seemed to charge at a defenseless Mercury and seemingly broke his leg. The feed was soon abruptly cut. Shocked by what just happened, X-49 grabs Lulu and rushes to Team RWBY's Dorm. When he arrives, X-49 found General Ironwood in the room.

X-49: I came as quickly as I could!

Ironwood: Your intervention is not necessary. The matter has been settled.

Yang: But he attacked me!

Ironwood: Video footage and millions of viewers say otherwise.

Weiss: But Yang would never do that!

Ruby: Yeah!

Ironwood: You all seem like good students, and the staff here at Beacon are fully aware that you would never lash out the way you did... under normal circumstances. What I believe and hope this to be is nothing more than the result of stress and adrenaline. When you're out on the battlefield, your judgment can become clouded in an instant. Sometimes you see things that simply aren't there. Even after the fight is past...

It was in that moment that X-49 stepped in, knowing something was off about the entire situation.

X-49: Are you really going to believe that Yang would attack someone like that? She wouldn't do something like that!

Ironwood: That's ENOUGH! The sad truth is, whether it was an accident or an assault, it doesn't matter. The world saw you attack an innocent student. They've already drawn their own conclusions. And it's my job to inform you that... you are disqualified.

As Ironwood says this, the room fell silent. Team RWBY was shocked while X-49 was enraged. 

X-49: Just like that?! You're not even going to bother to try and investigate this?! Where is the justice in this?!

Ironwood: I will not have my authority undermined, least of all by a machine. The decision has been made. This discussion is finished.

At that point, X-49 lost his cool. He lashed out at Ironwood by grabbing him by his uniform and shoves him against a wall.

X-49: You bastard! You think you can besmirch my sister like that and get away with it?! 

Ruby: X-9! 

Ruby and Yang then intervene and pull X-49 off of Ironwood. As Ironwood dusts off his uniform, he glares at the Combat Droid. 

Ironwood: I don't know what you think you are, Droid. But if you touch me like that again, I'll have you shot and sold for scrap.

With that, Ironwood leaves the room. Lulu angrily barks at Ironwood. The Atlesian General pays no attention to the dog. Once Ironwood is gone, X-49 takes a moment to regain his composure.

X-49: Yang, tell me what happened?

Yang: I saw him attack me, so I attacked back! You've got to believe me!

X-49: Of course I believe you. Something about all this is out of place. I'm going to find out what.

Weiss: Your kindness is much appreciated, but I'm afraid there isn't much that can be done.

X-49: This isn't right. Damn it! This isn't right! You deserve better! 

In a moment of anger, X-49 punches a wall. The force of the punch leaves a considerable dent on the wall. Seeing X-49 like this caught Team RWBY off guard. Even Ruby and Yang have never seen him this angry. 

X-49: If the General won't help us, then maybe Qrow can help me get to the bottom of this. 

Ruby: We....We don't want you to get in trouble, X-9.

X-49: From the looks of it, I already am. But don't worry, I'll be fine. Don't worry, Yang. I'll find out the truth of it all. 

X-49 smirked as he tussled Yang's hair. X-49 then exits the Dorm with Lulu. Just as X-49 was about to building, he was approached by Ironwood. 

Ironwood: You and I are not done discussing your actions earlier.

X-49: I've got nothing to say to you.

Ironwood: I don't think so. 

X-49: This is a deception and you know it! Now I'm not one of your soldiers and you're not paying me so I don't answer to you.

Ironwood: That may well be, but even you must understand that people will believe what they want to see. People will look at that footage and see Yang Xiao Long attacking a defenseless student, deception or not. I don't want to do this, but.....

X-49: But you're still willing to drag that poor girl's name through the mud? You might not care about what happens to her, but I do and I won't stop until I get to the bottom of this. 

X-49 then began walking to the door, but the General stops him. 

Ironwood: You might find this hard to believe, but I'm on your side. But my hands are tied on this. 

X-49: Keep telling yourself that. 

With that, X-49 leaves the building. Once X-49 was alone, the Combat Droid takes a minute to gather his composure. Once he does so, X-49 begins his investigation into what happened in Yang's match against Mercury. But what X-49 didn't know was that this was only the beginning of something more sinister.

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