Chapter Two - A New Family

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After rescuing Ruby and Yang, X-49 was invited by the Rose-Xiao Long family to stay the night at their home. At dinnertime, Taiyang was in an awkward situation considering X-49 was a robot. Taiyang then decided to serve X-49 a cup of motor oil. 

Taiyang: I'm sorry of the lack of...nutrients. I hope this will do.

X-49: This'll do just fine. I never really cared for fancy dining. 

X-49 then takes a sip of the motor oil given to him by Taiyang. The taste of the oil was appealing to the robot. 

X-49: Nice oil. Thank you very much. 

Summer: It's our pleasure. 

X-49 then glances over to Ruby and Yang. The fear in their eyes were replaced with wonder. X-49 simply smiles at them. 

X-49: How are you two doing?

Ruby: We're...we're fine, Mr. X-49. 

X-49: No need to call me sir. You can just call me X-49. 

Yang: X-49? Where did you come from?

As Yang asked that question, X-49 was caught off guard. He accessed his memory banks, but found only fragments of his past before his deactivation. All he could see was the scientists who built him among other fragmented memories.

X-49: To be completely honest with you, I don't actually know. 

Summer: You don't know? 

X-49: My memory banks must've been damaged upon my...deactivation. The only thing I can recall clearly was the day I was made. Everything else is all fragmented. 

Upon hearing this, Summer and Taiyang couldn't help but feel bad for X-49. Ruby and Yang however were confused. 

Ruby: You don't know who you are?

X-49: Not exactly, kiddo. I know what I am. I'm an X-Model Robot designed for combat. I also remember one of the scientists planting some kinda chip in my head. Gave me emotions. Heh.

Summer: Do you know where your creators are?

X-49: Couldn't tell ya. I don't know how long I've been deactivated. I could've been out of it for years. A decade. Maybe even a century. 

As X-49 said this, he continued to look over his memory banks. He found only more fragmented memories with no hints to his past. As X-49 takes another sip of the motor oil, Summer and Taiyang turned to each other and then to the robot. 

Summer: You said you were designed for combat, correct?

X-49: That's right. That's the one thing that remains intact since my reactivation. I was able to take down those Grimm without much trouble. 

X-49 then pulls out his Twin Pistols and spins them around much to the awe of Ruby and Yang. X-49 chuckled at the childlike reaction of the two little girls. 

X-49: Looks like I still got it. 

It was clear to Summer and Taiyang that X-49 was something different. Not only did he save their daughters from certain death, but he seemed to have no one left. He was effectively alone. They also noticed that he got along well with Ruby and Yang. Despite the strange circumstances that brought them together, Ruby and Yang quickly grew attached to X-49. Seeing them bond with the robot was a happy sight for the two. 

Summer: Perhaps it's not necessary for you to stay the night, X-49. 

Taiyang: It's clear that our daughters are quite attached to you. Since you don't have anywhere else to go, how about you stay with us?

Upon hearing this, X-49 was caught off guard by this. He didn't expect the Xiao Long-Rose Family to invite him to become a member of their family. It took him a moment for him to process this. He then glanced over to Ruby and Yang. The warm smiles and the puppy dog eyes warmed the robot's circuits and behavior core. He lets out a warm smile and pats them both on the head. 

X-49: I think I'll take you up on that offer. If not for these two little scamps, then probably for that motor oil you got. 

Upon hearing X-49's answer, Ruby and Yang cheered as they hopped on X-49. Most people would've been knocked down to the ground, X-49 was able to take it. He was quick to laugh. 

Ruby: Yay! Does this mean we have a big brother!

X-49: It would appear so kiddo. 

Yang: I always wanted an older brother! 

X-49 chuckled as Ruby and Yang started playing with X-49. While this was opposite of his programming, X-49 was more than happy with it. As Ruby and Yang hung on his arms like little monkeys, X-49 turned to Summer and Taiyang. 

X-49: The circumstances that brought us together may not be the most conventional, but I promise I'll protect your family with everything I have. 

Taiyang: Glad to know we got someone to help take care of the girls, right Summer?

Summer chuckled to her husband as Ruby and Yang continued to play on X-49.

Summer: Girls, it's bedtime. 

Ruby: Aw! 

Yang: Do we have to?

Summer: Don't worry girls, you'll be able to play with your tomorrow. I'll read you both a bedtime story. 

With that, Summer took Ruby and Yang to their bedrooms to sleep for the night. In that moment, X-49 had been taken in by the Xiao Long-Rose Family to be both a protector and a member of the family. X-49 vowed to protect his newfound family from any dangers that came their way as well as act as a caretaker for Ruby and Yang. X-49 had finally found a family to call his own and he would protect them with everything he had.

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