Chapter Eighty - Strings

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As the alarm was raised in the Atlesian Command Center, the group found themselves trapped in the room that they were in.

Penny: The pneumatic tubes have all been closed off.

Blake: We're trapped.

May: We passed a hangar. Maybe we can steal one of those ships.

Penny: Wait, we can still succeed. We are so close.

Nora: Hmm....

Two workers were seen walking by. Without hesitation, X-49 steps in and knocks out the two workers. When the two workers collapse, X-49 walks up to the door and uses his strength to force the doors open. They soon reached the control room. To their confusion, the room was mostly deserted.

Ruby: Uh, where is everyone?

Penny: This is a highly classified area.

X-49: Something's not right. Keep your guard up.

Penny: On it!

With that, Penny began accessing Ironwood's terminal using Pietro Polendina's clearance. As she tries to gain access to the Amity Tower, X-49 kept his pistols ready. Once Penny finishes downloading the codes to access the Amity Tower, they prepare to make their escape when they are confronted by the Ace-Ops along with a battalion of Atlesian Knight 200s.

Harriet: Hello, kids. Time to come home now, Penny.

Weiss: So your first time losing to us wasn't enough?

Marrow: We were holding back!

Vine: We have all said some things we regret, but please, hear me out. I know you thought you were doing the right thing when you left with the Maiden power, but Salem is here now. Things have changed.

X-49: Is that what you think? Ironwood is about to give Salem exactly what she wants. The General is making a grave mistake!

Harriet: You're the one making a mistake, robot. I don't care who you are. You're a traitor. Plain and simple.

At this point, X-49 knew a fight was inevitable. The Ace-Ops took a couple of steps back. Suddenly, the doors shut, cutting X-49 and Penny from the rest of Ruby's group. Despite being outnumbered, X-49 maintained his calm composure.

X-49: You don't want to do this.

Harriet: You got lucky last time. That won't happen again.

X-49: Then I'm sorry for what I'm about to do.

X-49 then activates his targeting computer and begins shooting down the Atlesian Droids in rapid succession. When one Atlas Droid closes in, X-49 headbutts the Droid and shoots the Droid down. He then focused his attack on the Ace-Ops. During the fight, Harriet manages to get the jump on X-49. It wasn't long until the rest of the Ace-Ops began ganging up on X-49. It was at this point that Penny stepped forward.

Penny: Leave. Him. Alone.

Harriet: And what are you gonna do about it, tin can?

Without hesitation, Penny attacked the Ace-Ops. As all this happened, X-49 was able to push back the Ace-Ops and join Penny's side. 

Vine: This is getting us nowhere! You're only making things worse for yourself.

X-49: You should be telling yourself that.

Harriet: So fighting against General Ironwood is the right thing? Don't give me that crap!

X-49: We are not your enemy!

Elm: Then why are you resisting arrest? Why are you the ones fighting General Ironwood?

X-49: I understand you feel the need to follow orders, but you must see that the General is wrong! His actions will plunge all of Remnant into chaos!

Harriet attempts to blitz through X-49, but the Combat Droid's armor holds up against Harriet's attacks and was able to fire his pistols, pushing her back. Despite being outnumbered, X-49 and Penny held their own against the Ace-Ops. During the fight, Penny unleashed the might of her Maiden powers on the Ace-Ops, turning the tide of the fight. As the fight dragged on, X-49 kept the Ace-Ops at bay with his marksmanship. As Harriet charges at X-49, but was suddenly pounced on by Lulu who begins biting down on Harriet's arm. 

Harriet: ARGH! Get off of me, you mangy mutt!

Before Harriet was about to attack Lulu, X-49 fires two rounds which hit Harriet square in the chest, blasting her back several feet with only her Aura protecting her. Suddenly, the door was blasted open with Team RWBY and May joining the fight. As the group prepare to for another round, the Ace-Ops begin to fall back, with Elm carrying the wounded Harriet. During their retreat, they take one of Penny's swords with them.

Weiss: Uh, that was....

Blake: Very suspicious?

X-49 quickly notices the scarred and unconscious Nora. 

X-49: Is she okay?

Weiss: Nora....used her Semblance to blast through the electrical door.

X-49 walked over to the barely conscious Nora. Her breathing was shallow, but steady. He placed his hand on Nora's head. He then picks up Nora and begins carrying her on his back. 

X-49: We need to leave now.

May: Then we better get to that hanger before more of Ironwood's drones show up.

With that, the group exited the control center. X-49 and Ruby then carry the unconscious Nora to the hanger bay with the rest of the group following them. As they reached the hanger bay, X-49 shoots at the console, opening the doors. Everyone got on board an airship with the exception of Penny who looked on the group sadly.

Penny: It is time for me to go, isn't it?

Ruby: We'll see each other again really soon, I promise.

X-49: I'll stay behind to help Penny. Something tells me that you're going to need some backup.

As X-49 says this, Penny glances over to Ruby with sadness in her eyes. X-49 placed a hand on her shoulders in an attempt to comfort her.

X-49: We'll make it. I promise.

As X-49 comforts Penny, he hands Lulu to Ruby. 

X-49: Take care of Lulu, Ruby. 

Ruby: I...I will. Be careful, X-49.

With that, Penny grabbed X-49 and flew towards the Amity Tower while the airship flew away from the Atlesian Command Center. With the Amity Tower's access codes in their possession, they now had the means to warn all of Remnant on the threat of Salem.

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