Chapter Thirty Nine - End Of The Beginning

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When Beacon Academy fell, the invasion was over. The Grimm had completely devastated the city. Ozpin and Pyrrha Nikos had been killed. Yet despite this, those responsible for the attack had been pushed back. In the aftermath of the attack, X-49 met with Qrow and Taiyang at the Rose-Xiao Long Household. As Ruby laid in her bed, the radio was reporting the Fall of Beacon.

Qrow: Just turn it off. Without the CCT, there's no point. 

Taiyang: Communication down across the entire Kingdom, no way to contact the outside world... and Ozpin's still missing. 

Qrow: Yeah. 

Taiyang: This is bad, Qrow. 

Qrow: Yeah, this is bad.

X-49 glanced over to the unconscious Ruby. The Combat Droid was plagued by feelings of guilt over his perceived failure to protect his adoptive sisters. Hours later, Ruby wakes up and looks over to see her father asleep in a chair. She sits up and sighs quietly, causing Taiyang to stir awake.

Taiyang: Ruby! You're awake!

Ruby: Ugh... what happened?

Taiyang: Your brother and uncle Qrow found you, unconscious. They got you out of there, though, and brought you home safe.

Ruby: Wait! Yang! Is she alright!?

Taiyang: Uh... She's uh... she's gonna be alright. I think she's just... I think it's just gonna take some time for her to get used to things. She's too strong to let this stop her.  I'm just glad to have my girls back at home.

Ruby: What happened to the school?! And Vale?! Were they able to clear out the Grimm?

Taiyang: Things at Vale are under control, but the school... It's... it's not that simple. That thing, whatever it is, doesn't seem to be dead. Don't get me wrong, you did a number on it. But it's not disappearing. It's... kind of... frozen. I know that doesn't sound too bad, but it keeps attracting more Grimm to the school.

As Taiyang says that, Ruby paused. She could not recall what had happened. 

Ruby: I did... what?

Taiyang: Hmm?

Ruby: You said I did a number on it. What do you mean?

X-49: It''s a long story, Kiddo.

Taiyang: I... Look that's not important right now. We can talk about it later. Things are just... kind of a mess.

Qrow: It's always a mess.

Ruby and Taiyang look to see Qrow suddenly standing in the room, near the door. He finishes off the contents of his flask before continuing.

Qrow: Mind if we have a minute?

Taiyang: What, I can't stay here?!

Qrow: Tai. Please.

X-49: C'mon, Tai. I'm sure Yang needs something. 

With that, X-49 and Taiyang stand up. Taiyang kisses Ruby on the forehead while X-49 rustles her hair. As they leave the room, Taiyang speaks to X-49. 

Taiyang: I'm gonna cook up something for Yang. Could you check up on her?

X-49 nods as he makes his way to Yang's room where she was seen sitting on her bed. The first thing he saw was a stump where her right arm used to be. Upon seeing this, X-49 wore a sad expression as he sat next to Yang.

Yang: X-9. 

X-49: Glad to see you're okay, Firecracker.

Yang: But I'm not. It's all gone - the school, Penny, Pyrrha, and....

X-49: The rest of your team?

Yang: Gone. Weiss's dad came by and took her home. And Blake....she just ran! Ran off without saying a word!

X-49: That's not what happened.

Yang: And how would you know?!

X-49: Because I saw her carrying you away when Adam.....did this to you. Look, I know it looks bad, but....

Yang: Sometimes bad things just happen.

X-49: I know. It's easy to let all the bad things get to you. But you can't ever forget all the good. Every cloud has a silver lining. 

Yang: I wish I could believe that. After all this.....I don't know. 

X-49 glanced over to Yang with a sad expression on his face. 

X-49: I'm sorry, Yang. I should've done more for you and Ruby. But things happened so fast....I'm sorry. 

As X-49 says this, he hugs Yang. Yang remained silent as X-49 tightly hugged her. After the hug, X-49 offered a comforting smile before walking out of Yang's room. After sometime later, X-49 meets up with Ruby who was geared up and talking to the remnants of Team JNPR. 

Jaune: Hey.

Ruby: Hey, Jaune. Haven's a long way to go.

Jaune: I know. It's the only way we have.

Ruby: Are you sure you want to come along?

Ren: The journey will be perilous, and whether we'll find answers at the end is entirely uncertain.

Nora: But we wouldn't be here if we weren't up for it.

Ruby: Then let's get started.

X-49: You sure you don't want me to come with you, Ruby? 

Ruby: Thanks for the offer, but Yang needs you right now more than I do. I'll be fine. 

X-49 smiles as he hugs Ruby. After sharing that tender moment, X-49 turns to Jaune and the others. 

X-49: Watch my sis's back out there. 

Jaune: We won't let her down. 

With that, the four begin their long trek, down the road leading away from the Rose-Xiao Long home. X-49 watched with a sad smile as Ruby set out on her mission. Despite being worried for her safety, X-49 had every faith that Ruby would be fine. At the same time, he sees a black bird flying above him. X-49 smirks, knowing  who it was. 

X-49: Watch yourself out there, you dusty old crow.

With that, X-49 turns around and heads back into the house. In that moment, X-49 took on the task of watching over Yang and helping her heal. This was the end of the beginning.

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