Chapter Fifty Four - The Coming Storm

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As the group pressed forward, X-49 along with the rest of Ruby's group followed the trail Maria had pointed out. They were all soon besieged by a terrible snowstorm. After a long search, they came across an abandoned farm.

Ruby: I don't get it. The empty towns I've passed through were all damaged or unfinished. But this place looks... fine.

Weiss: Maybe everyone left in a hurry. Before things took a turn?

X-49 approached the door and kicked down the door. X-49 used his scanners to survey the house. As he checked the room, he saw no sign of danger.

X-49: We're clear.

Qrow: Hmm. Stay on guard.

Following Qrow's warnings, everyone presses forward with their weapons drawn, readying themselves for a fight.

Maria: Close the door already! It's cold enough in here as it is.

As Maria enters the farm, X-49 proceeds to push a dresser against the door.

X-49: That should hold for the time being.

Blake: I saw a chimney from the outside. Maybe we could get a fire going?

X-49: Good idea.

Suddenly, a high pitch scream is heard.

Ruby: Weiss!

Everyone then heads up stairs to see Weiss quivering in fear as she comes across two decaying bodies laying on a bed. Some time later, a fire is started in the fireplace. Weiss is still shaking from what she had witnessed. Qrow soon entered the room.

Qrow: It's the same in every house.

Yang: What?

Qrow: Bodies. Every bed in every home. It's like the whole estate just went to sleep and never woke up.

X-49: At least they didn't suffer.

Ruby: Do you think they....knew?

X-49: I don't know. I like to think that they didn't. Makes this whole thing know.

Weiss: Then we're not staying here, right?

Qrow: We don't have a choice. Storm outside's only getting worse. We'd freeze to death before we made it anywhere.

Maria: Well, might as well get comfortable.

Yang: Yeah, fat chance.

Ruby: Okay, then, let's do something. If this place wasn't abandoned it might still have supplies we could use.

Oscar: Hey, yeah. Maybe even a car.

Qrow: I'll do another sweep of the grounds. No one else goes anywhere alone.

X-49: Watch yourself out there, Qrow.

Blake: Yang and I can search the other buildings for vehicles.

Yang: Fine, whatever gets me out of this house.

As everyone begins to search for supplies, X-49 remained in the room with Ruby, Weiss and Oscar. As they settled in, he spoke to Oscar.

X-49: How are you holding up?

Oscar: B...barely. I still can't understand what I saw.....

X-49: Can't say I blame you. This whole thing has been....something else.

X-49 then turned to Lulu who was still smiling. Seeing the smiling face of his beloved companion brought comfort to the Combat Droid. Weiss soon spoke to Ruby.

Weiss: Ruby? Are we really still going to Atlas?

Ruby: Why wouldn't we be?

Weiss: I mean... you heard what Jinn said. If there's no way to kill Salem, then what's the point in all of this?

X-49: It'll be a hell of a lot worse if we just walk away.

Weiss: How are we supposed to kill Salem? Ozpin had no plan in destroying Salem? What can WE do against that?

X-49: I don't know. I wish I knew, but that's where we're at right now. But what I do know is that if we walk away and give up, then Salem wins. And if Salem wins, then it's game over for all of us.

Weiss: I...I wish I can believe that....

X-49 could see that the group was still processing the truth revealed by Jinn. The fact that Salem was immortal made this mission seem like an impossible one. X-49 could see that the group was on the verge of imploding and give up. He glances over to Ruby.

Ruby: you really believe we can do this?

X-49: I can't say for sure, but we won't know unless we try. That's all any of us can do.

At this point, it was clear that Ruby needed some time to think on this. Giving his adopted sister a hug, he goes to help Yang and Blake find a vehicle. When he reached the shed, he approaches them.

X-49: Find anything.

Yang: We found a tractor.

Blake: Something tells me that's not street legal.

X-49: It'll certainly raise a few eyebrows.

Yang: What do you think happened here?

Blake: There's that well in the square. Maybe water contamination?

Yang: Yeah, maybe.

It seemed plausible for that to be the case. But something told X-49 that there was more to this than meets the eye. Meanwhile, Yang stopped and sits down.

Blake: Hey, are you okay?

Yang: Yeah... I mean, no. But, I don't know. I'm just tired.

Blake: Yeah.

With that, the trio continued to explore the shed. Eventually, they found a flatbed trailer next to a window. Suddenly, Yang sees a vision of Adam Taurus and reels back in fear.

Blake: What is it?

Yang: I...I was just seeing things. I'm sorry. I still get flashes from that night. Do you think Adam's still out there?

Blake: I don't know. If he went back to the White Fang there would have been serious consequences. But, he never really liked people telling him what to do. Adam's strong, but his real power comes from control. He used to get in my head, make me feel small. But now I see he just wanted to pull me down to his size.

Blake as well as X-49 could see that Yang was still traumatized by what had happened that night.

Blake: Hey, I'm not leaving. And if we ever see him again, I promise I'll be there. And I'll protect you.

Upon hearing this, Yang became defensive.

Yang: What?

Blake: What?

Yang: Forget it. Let's just head back.

Blake: What about....

Yang: We're fine. We can hook that flatbed up to Bumblebee in the morning. Should carry everyone. Mission accomplished.

Yang walked away to get her Bumblebee motorcycle while Blake looks down sadly.

X-49: Give her time, Blake.

Blake: It''s my fault.

X-49: What happened wasn't your fault, Blake. There's no way you could've known what had happened.

Blake: That's easy for you to say,. I fought with Adam. When I was with him, I wondered what changed in him. But after some time, I realized that Adam was always like this. It was just that he was good at hiding his true nature.

X-49: We all make mistakes. We all get knocked down. But you can always get back up.

With that, Blake was left to ponder X-49's words. After that, the group would rest in the farm while the snowstorm passes. What they didn't know was that an unforeseen darkness would soon move against them.

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