Chapter Eighty Six - The Final Word

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As X-49 and Ruby's group began escorting the refuges through the pocket dimension created by Ambrosius, they attempt to contact Shade Academy to assist them once they reach Vacuo, but communications are blocked. X-49 couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. 

Ruby: X-9? What's wrong? 

X-49: I can't shake the feeling that something bad is happening. 

Suddenly, an explosive shockwave knocks several refuges as Cinder Fall reveals herself.

Cinder: Your little friend Oscar was right, but the easy part ends here.

X-49 and the rest of Team RWBY were shocked at how Cinder knew about their plans.

Cinder: I knew your plan would be bold, but I never could have predicted all of this... At least, not without a little help from Jinn. I suppose I have all of you to thank for one last lesson.

X-49: If you think you can take us all on by yourself, you better think again. 

Cinder: Of course I can. Sometimes, if you want to win, you simply can't do it alone.

It was in that moment that Neopolitan revealed herself. As the battle broke out, Oscar along with Ren and Nora began escorting the refuges to safety. During the fight, Yang tries to go after Cinder, but is ambushed by Neopolitan who lands a powerful slash that was meant for Ruby. Yang was then pushed over the edge and plunges into the abyss. As everyone is horrified by this, X-49 and Blake desperately attempt to catch her, but they fail to.


As X-49 helplessly watches Yang plunge into the abyss, he turns to Cinder and begins firing both of his pistols at her. The rest of Team RWBY then join in. It wasn't long before Penny joins in. During the course of the fight, Grimm began flooding the pocket dimension. Fighting in the Pocket Dimension was not easy as there was no cover to utilize as well as the crowd of terrified civilians trying to escape. As the Grimm kept flooding in, Ruby was thrown over the edge by Cinder. Penny flies to save her while Blake jumps on her back. X-49 covered for them by firing at the Grimm. Blake is thrown forward as Penny is knocked back by Cinder's fireball. Blake manages to grab Ruby. She uses Gambol Shroud to hook onto the platform. The two try to swing back up, but Cinder launches another fire jet that burns through Gambol Shroud's ribbon. Ruby and Blake fall and disappear into the abyss.


As a group of Grimm were about to attack a group of civilians, X-49 had no time to grieve as he rushed to help the civilians. 

X-49: Keep going! Don't stop! Get the hell out of here!

X-49 began firing upon the Grimm to help the civilians. As all of this happened, Cinder continued fighting Penny. When she pushed Penny back, she could see X-49 helping the civilians. With a sadistic smile, she forms a fireball in her hand.

Cinder: Tinker tailor soldier sailor, my fire punishes all without distinction.

Without hesitation, Cinder throws her fireball at X-49. The force of the explosion knocked X-49 over the edge. Without hesitation, Penny rushes over and helps X-49. 

Penny: Are you okay?!

X-49: I'll be fine. 

Suddenly, Cinder ambushes Penny and an intense fight broke out. Winter arrives to try and turn the tide, only to witness Weiss fall into the abyss. It wasn't long before Cinder inflicted a grievous injury upon Penny. 

Cinder: Time to take what is rightfully mine....

Before Cinder could finish Penny off, X-49 tackled her to the ground. During this, Jaune rushed to tend to Penny. As X-49 battled Cinder, he let out all his anger on her. 

X-49: You're going to pay! Do you hear me?! This is for my sisters!

Cinder: Delusional machine. Do you really think you truly cared for them? Your feelings for them are not real. 


Cinder: Then allow me to expand that pain!

Cinder then aims her hand towards Penny and Jaune. Without hesitation, she fires a fireball at Penny and Jaune, launching them off the edge. X-49 watches in horror as Winter was given the powers of the Winter Maiden. In that moment, the battle became even. However, with time running out. 

Cinder: Allow me to give a parting gift from Dr. Watts. 

Without warning, Cinder jabs a device into X-49's neck. X-49 groans in pain as he feels his entire body malfunctioning. X-49 then pulls the device out, seemingly ending his pain. Suddenly, Cinder vanishes with the Staff. As this happened, the paths and portals begin vanishing, indicating that the Staff had been used. Realizing that time was running out, X-49 and Winter began running for the exit. Suddenly, X-49 collapses to the ground. Lulu rushes in and tries to help X-49. 

X-49: out of here, Lulu....

Winter: Hang on! Give me your hand!

As Winter extends her hand out to X-49, X-49 attempts to grab it, the path and the portal dissipates, causing X-49 and Lulu to fall. As X-49 holds on to Lulu, his arms give out, causing him to be separated from Lulu. All he could think of was the day he was taken in by the Rose-Xiao Long Family. 

X-49(Past): The circumstances that brought us together may not be the most conventional, but I promise I'll protect your family with everything I have. 

As those words echoed in X-49's databanks, everything went black. In that moment, the forces of darkness dealt a devastating blow to the forces of the light. 

The Tale Of X-49: A RWBY StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang