Chapter Twelve - Reflection

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After the incident at Professor Port's class, Ruby was hurt by Weiss's words. She speaks with Ozpin about whether she was worthy to being the leader of Team RWBY. Though Ozpin reassured her that she was worthy, Ruby was still not completely convinced. Seeing that Ruby was down, X-49 spoke with her. 

X-49: Hey, Kiddo.

Ruby: Hey, X-9. 

Ruby: think Ozpin made a mistake in making me leader of this team?

X-49: Of course not. Don't beat yourself up about what Weiss said. You're doing the best you can as leader of this team. You still have a few ways to go, but you're off to a good start. 

Ruby: I'm...I'm sorry about what Weiss said to you. 

X-49: Don't be, Kiddo. I don't want you to worry yourself on my account. I'm sure Weiss will come come around. She just needs time to cool down.

As X-49 said that, Ruby began to tear up. X-49 could see that the whole situation was starting to take it's toll on Ruby. As a means to comfort her, X-49 places his hand on Ruby's shoulder and gives her a warm smile. 

X-49: Chin up, Kiddo. You're going to do great here. You just need to believe in yourself. I might be an old bucket of bolts, but I know that you'll do a fine job in leading this team.

Ruby smiled as she hugged her adoptive brother. X-49 smiled as he hugged his adoptive sister back. At the same time, Weiss was speaking with Professor Port about the incident and questioned Ozpin's decision to make Ruby the team leader. During the ensuing conversation, Port explains while Weiss was skilled, her poor attitude held her back. He also mentioned of his total trust in Ozpin's decisions. Hearing that was a tough pill for her to swallow. She was quick to deny this, but after taking some time to reflect on those words, she saw reason. Later in the night as Team RWBY was sleeping, Weiss returns to the Dorm to see the rest of her teammates sleeping. She checks on Ruby, who was surrounded by a number of textbooks and papers, implying that she fell asleep studying. As Weiss woke Ruby up, Ruby became anxious. 

Ruby: Weiss! I-I was studying, and then I fell asleep! I'm sorry...

Weiss places a hand over Ruby's mouth and puts a finger to her own so Ruby understands the need for lowering her voice. Weiss looks near Ruby's pillow and spots an empty Beacon coffee mug.

Weiss: How do you take your coffee?

Ruby: I... I don't...

Weiss: Answer the question!

Ruby: Uhh, cream and five sugars!

Weiss: Don't move. Here.

Without hesitation, Weiss prepares a cup of coffee for Ruby. When she hands it to Ruby, she was shocked. 

Ruby: Um... Thanks, Weiss.

Weiss: Ruby, I think you have what it takes to be a good leader. Just know that I am going to be the best teammate you'll ever have! Good luck studying! 

As Ruby smiled upon Weiss's change of behavior, Weiss speaks once more. 

Weiss: Where is the robo....I mean your brother. 

Ruby: Probably out on one of his nightly walks. 

Weiss: How can I find him? I wish to speak to him?

Ruby: X-9 always told me that if I wanted to talk to him when he's on his walks, I should follow the music. 

With that, Weiss thanked Ruby as she exited the Dorm to find X-49. As soon as she stepped outside, she could hear the sound of a trumpet playing. Following Ruby's advice, she followed the music. Eventually, she found X-49 sitting on a bench playing his trumpet. As Weiss sat down next to him, X-49 stopped. 

Weiss: You''re very talented with that instrument. 

X-49: Thanks. Music always came naturally to me. Now what can I do for you?

Weiss: I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier. I...I said some horrible things to you and I shouldn't have said the things I said to you. 

X-49: Don't worry about it. I don't hold grudges. However, you did hurt Ruby and as her big brother, I'm not exactly happy about that. 

Weiss: I....I understand that. I've apologized to Ruby. 

X-49: Then it's settled. You took the time to cool down and apologized to Ruby. 

Weiss was caught off guard with how quick X-49 was to forgive Weiss's actions. The way X-49 acted was a more mature version of how Ruby acted. He was more calm and collected than Ruby or Yang. 

Weiss: You really see them as family, don't you? 

X-49: Those two little rascals are the reason I'm walking around. When they found me, they activated me by accident. They were scared, but after an encounter with a Grimm, they stopped being scared of me. Then their parents came in and took me in and I've been part of that family ever since. I may not be flesh and blood, but I treat those two like they were family. Like I said before, there ain't nothing in this world that'll tell me or these girls otherwise. 

As X-49 said that, it began to rain. 

X-49: You should probably get back inside. 

Weiss: Won't you rust? 

X-49: I don't rust as much as other robots. I can handle the rain. It's just I don't like it. The rain makes me too sentimental. Besides, I gotta finish this song. It's back luck to leave a song unfinished.

With that, Weiss got and and made her way back to the Dorm while X-49 finished the song he was playing. After that, X-49 went back to the Dorm and powered down for the night, proud to see that Ruby and Weiss were able to work out their problems. 

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