Chapter Nine - Unexpected Initiation

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As X-49 was launched into the Emerald Forest, he immediately began his search for Ruby to give her back her lucky rose pendent. Heeding Ozpin's warnings, X-49 kept his pistols ready. It wasn't long until he was attacked by a pack of Beowolves. As they crowded around him, X-49 readies his pistols. 

X-49: This ought to be interesting. 

Without hesitation, the Beowolves begin charging at X-49. As they charged at him, X-49 unloads his pistols on the Grimm. The Grimm provided little trouble as X-49 dispatches them with ease. Meanwhile in the Emerald Forest, Ruby and Yang took part in their initiations. Ruby had been partnered up with Weiss while Yang was partnered up with Blake. As they moved through the Emerald Forest, they met up with Jaune who was partnered up with Pyrrha Nikos as well as Ren and Nora. As they cleared a pack of Grimm, they heard gunshots in the distance. 

Yang: Sounds like someone's having fun. 

Before anyone could react, a Beowolf charges at them. On it's back was X-49. The Beowolf manages to shake X-49 off of him. As X-49 gets back on his feet, he jumps back on the Beowolf. X-49 then fires two shots from his pistols into the Beowolf's skull, killing it. As the Beowolf collapsed to the ground, Ruby became starry eyed. 

Ruby: So cool!

Weiss: Calm yourself down, you dolt!

Yang: Wait, what are you doing here, big bro? 

Without hesitation, X-49 walked up to Ruby and hands her the silver rose pendent. Upon seeing this, Ruby gasped. 


X-49: My guess is that it fell off when you got launched. I knew you'd freak out if you found out that you lost your lucky pendent.

Weiss: So you just ran into the Emerald Forest during our initiation just to give this dolt some piece of jewelry? 

X-49: This little thing means the world to her. And besides, I talked with Ozpin about this. He let me head down here to give it back. 

Ruby then nearly tackled X-49 in a big hug. A smile fell on X-49's face as he hugged his adopted sister. As the hug ended, X-49 reloads his pistols. He turns around to see Jaune and Pyrrha along with Ren and Nora. They were all stunned with the exception of Jaune who met X-49 already. 

Nora: You're a robot! An actual robot! This is so cool! 

X-49: You're not wrong. My work here is done. I think I'll head back and let you kids finish up your....

Before X-49 could finish his sentence, a Nevermore Grimm swoops down and snatches X-49. 

Ruby: X-9!

Jaune: This isn't good!

Without hesitation, the Beacon students began chasing after the Nevermore. Meanwhile, X-49 breaks free from the Nevermore's grip and climbs on top of the Nevermore. As he fires his pistols, the bullets do little damage. 

X-49: Not good....

X-49 hangs on tight as the Nevermore picks up speed. Meanwhile, the Beacon students continue chasing after the Nevermore. 

Jaune: Guys? That thing's circling back! What are we gonna do?

Weiss: Look, there's no sense in dilly-dallying. Our objective is right in front of us. 

Ruby: I'm not leaving my brother behind! I'm his sister! 

With that, Ruby coordinated her new team along with Jaune's in an attempt to bring the Nevermore down. Meanwhile on top of the Nevermore, X-49 continues making his way to the head of the Nevermore while trying not to fall. Once he gets to the head, he fires a couple of rounds onto the Nevermore's head. The Nevermore screamed in pain, causing it to descend. Ruby saw this.

Ruby: That's X-9's doing! Let's take it down! 

As the students coordinated their attack, Ruby uses her Semblance to propel herself closer to the Nevermore. Soon enough, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang work together to behead the Nevermore. As the Nevermore crashes to the ground, X-49 takes a moment to collect his bearings. He looks to see Ruby and Yang along with Blake and Weiss visibly exhausted. 

X-49: Nice job. 

After that, the Beacon students made their way to the cliffs along with the students, passing the initiation. Later, the teams were being formed based on the relics they got.

Ozpin: Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY. Led by... Ruby Rose!

As Ozpin made his announcement, Ruby was in total shock. Yang hugged her half sister as X-49 approached them. 

Yang: I'm so proud of you!

Ozpin: It looks like things are shaping up to be an... interesting year.

Ozpin then turns his attention to X-49. 

Ozpin: It seems you have surpassed my expectations, X-49. Miss Goodwitch's reports on your skills were no exaggerations. 

X-49: Glad I could impress. 

Ozpin: I'm looking forward to seeing what you and sisters can do as students of Beacon. 

X-49: I wouldn't exactly consider myself a student. I'm just a big brother watching over his little sisters.

Ozpin: Of course. Though you may not be a student, you are more than welcome to stay. 

With that, the day concluded. X-49 was extremely proud of what his sisters had accomplished. They had passed their initiation with flying colors. Though with one challenge completed, another would present itself. Only would time would tell on how well the newly formed Team RWBY would work together. But X-49 would be there to lend a hand whenever the need arises. 

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