Chapter Eleven - The Badge & The Burden

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As X-49 made his way to the class Team RWBY were currently in, he managed to enter the classroom without making a scene. He stood in the corner and watched as Professor Peter Port began to give a lecture. 

Port: Monsters! Deeeemons... Prowlers of the night! Yes, the creatures of Grimm have many names, but I merely refer to them as prey! Ha-ha!

Port's intro seemed to silence the class with varying degrees of interest. X-49 watched as he kept an eye on Ruby who clearly seemed bored. X-49 couldn't help but smirk. 

Port: Uhhhh... And you shall too, upon graduating from this prestigious academy! Now, as I was saying: Vale, as well as the other three kingdoms, are safe havens in an otherwise treacherous world! Our planet is absolutely teeming with creatures that would love nothing more than to tear you to pieces! And that's where we come in. Huntsmen! Huntresses. Individuals who have sworn to protect those who cannot protect themselves! From what, you ask? Why, the very world!

Port then goes off on a long winded tale about his exploits which seem to bore the class. X-49 chuckled as he knew Ruby and Yang hated listening to long winded speeches that dragged on. He recalled a memory of whenever they watched a movie and the main character gave a long speech, Ruby and Yang would always get bored and hoped the action would come sooner than later. As X-49 was observing Team RWBY, he noticed that Weiss appeared to be agitated by something. Upon further studying, it was clear that it had something to do with Ruby. As Port regains the attention of his class, he finishes his story as well as offer a moral.

Port: The moral of this story? A true Huntsman must be honorable! A true Huntsman must be dependable! A true Huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise! So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?

Without hesitation, Weiss raised her hand in apparent frustration.

Weiss: I do, sir!

Port: Well, then, let's find out! Step forward, and face your opponent!

Port then releases a Boarbatusk Grimm from a cage. Upon seeing this, X-49 became cautious. 

X-49: That doesn't look good. 

For now, X-49 would stay back, but he kept his hands on his pistols in case something went wrong. Weiss then engages the Boarbatusk while Ruby cheers her on much to her annoyance. During the fight, Weiss is momentarily disarmed.

Port: Oh-ho! Now what will you do without your weapon?

As Ruby attempts to give Weiss advice, Weiss is having none of it as she grows more agitated by it. Weiss then retrieves her Myrtenaster sword and drives the sword into it's chest, but the Boarbatusk continues to attack. Weiss tries to pull her sword out, but the Grimm proved to stubborn.

Weiss: Why won't it come out?!

As Weiss struggles to pull her sword out of the Grimm, the Boarbatusk overpowers Weiss. Without hesitation, X-49 steps in and attacks the Boarbatusk. During the struggle, X-49's hat is knocked off. Eventually, X-49 was able to get the upper hand and shoots the Boarbatusk twice in the head, killing it. Afterwards, X-49 grabs his hat and offers a hand to Weiss who slaps it away in frustration. 

Port: Bravo! Bra-vo! It appears we are indeed in the presence of a true Huntsman and Huntress! I'm afraid that's all the time we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings, and... stay vigilant! Class dismissed!

As class was dismissed, Weiss attempts to storm off, but is stopped by Ruby. In that moment, Weiss vented her frustrations. 

Weiss: You've done nothing to earn your position! Back in the forest, you acted like a child, and you've only continued to do so! 

Ruby: Weiss, where is this coming from? What happened to all the talk about 'working together'? I thought you believed in acting as a team.

Weiss: Not a team led by you. I've studied and trained. And quite frankly, I deserve better. It's clear here that Ozpin made a mistake making you leader of this team!

X-49: Ruby's doing the best she can. 

Weiss: And you have no business being here! Despite your delusions, you're nothing more than a soulless machine!

Yang: Hey! That's our brother you're talking to!

Weiss: That thing is not your brother! It's just a machine with faulty programming and in need of a memory wipe!

Weiss's words stung X-49. However, he simply took off his hat and pointed to his head.

X-49: I don't remember much of my past. But inside this metal head is an artificial emotion chip that gives me the emotions of a human being. The scientists who built me installed that chip. Why? I don't know. That scientist was just funny like that. I might be a rusty old bucket of bolts with a couple of tricks, but those two girls are my family. And there ain't nothing in this world that'll tell me or these girls otherwise. Now I can tell that you've had a bad day. You want my advice? You should probably cool off somewhere. Clear your head. And when you've had some time to cool off, maybe you can give Ruby here an apology. 

As X-49 says this, Weiss storms off in frustration. In that moment, Team RWBY's first day at Beacon Academy was off to a rocky start. While Weiss took the time to clear her head, X-49 would take the time to comfort Ruby. 

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