Chapter Thirty Two - Lessons Learned

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After the incident at Beacon Academy, Qrow decides to visit his nieces. He meets up with X-49 along with Ruby and Yang at Team RWBY's Dorm inside Beacon Academy. X-49 watched with a smile on his face as Ruby, Yang and Qrow were playing video games. For X-49, it brought him back to when Qrow would show up at the Roxe-Xiao Long Family House to play videogames with the younger Ruby and Yang. 

Ruby: You'll never beat me, old man!

Qrow: You're nothing but talk, kid!

Yang: You can do it, Ruby!

X-49: C'mon, Kiddo! Are you going to let that Dusty Old Crow beat you?! 

Ruby: No way, X-9! 

Qrow and Ruby played an intense match against one another in the fighting video game in which Qrow managed to beat Ruby. Ruby hangs her head down in shame while Qrow snickers.

Yang: Ouch. 

Qrow: And by the way, don't ever call me old.

Yang: My turn!

Yang soon took Ruby's controller and begins playing against Qrow.

Qrow: Now, where was I?

Ruby: You were telling us about your last mission!

Qrow: I'd come across a small village in the swamps west of Mistral. Right off the bat, I knew something wasn't right.

Ruby: What were you doing there?

Qrow: I needed information. Tired from battling Grimm along the way, I decided to start my search at the town's inn. The place was crawling with lowlifes and thugs, even a few Huntsmen that I could only assume had been hired by less-than reputable people for less-than respectable jobs. And that's when it happened.

Yang: What happened?

Qrow: I was defeated... by the mere sight...of the innkeeper's skirt length!

Ruby and Yang groaned at Qrow's words as Qrow managed to pull a fast one on Yang and beat her. X-49 simply chuckles.

Yang: You're the worst!

X-49: Why did I get the feeling that the sight of a pretty girl was enough to bring you down.

Qrow: She taught me a trick or two, that's for sure.

Ruby: Gross!

X-49 and Qrow laughed at their respective humors. 

Ruby: So, Uncle Qrow, did you get in trouble with Ozpin?

Qrow: Nah, me and Oz go way back. We're cool.

Yang: Cool for an old guy.

Qrow: Not funny.

X-49 snickered at Ruby and Yang's repeated referral to Qrow as an old man. Even X-49 himself referred to Qrow as an old man from time to time as Qrow. 

Ruby: So, what are you doing here anyway? I thought Dad said that you would be on a mission, for like... ever.

X-49: If I had to guess, Qrow found himself knee deep in some sort of trouble. You know, you should really bring me with you one of these days.

Qrow: But then who's gonna keep these rugrats from getting in trouble.

Ruby: Yeeeeaaaah, I get that.  We're pretty much pros, too.

Upon hearing this, Qrow were quick to disagree. As a hardened warrior, Qrow knew the chaos of battle. 

Qrow: Oh, really?

Yang: Psch, yeah! Read the news sometime. We totally saved Vale while you were gone.

Qrow: Funny, because I heard Vale suffered a Grimm attack after you almost managed to stop a train. But they don't give out medals for almost.

Ruby: They do, and it's called silver!

Yang: Well, we helped take down Roman Torchwick! He's locked up in Ironwood's ship and crime's been down ever since! That's basically a bounty mission!

Qrow: Sure, you may be acting like Huntresses, but you're not thinking like one. You really think four girls and their friends could end all crime in a Kingdom?

Ruby: I mean, I did until you said that...

Qrow: Violence hasn't dropped since Roman got nabbed; it's stopped, completely. No White Fang activity anywhere around the city. You cut off the head of the King Taijitu, but now the second head's calling the shots. That's what Ironwood can't get through that thick metal head of his.

Yang: You know the General? 

Qrow: Hey, I know everybody to some extent. Remember, you're talking to a member of the coolest team that graduated Beacon!

Qrow then pulls out a picture line with stain and age. In the picture was himself, Raven Branwen, Taiyang Xiao Long, Summer Rose. 

Qrow: Hah, Team STRQ... That's where I met your parents. We were pretty well known back in the day. 

Ruby: Well known for crummy fashion sense! 

Qrow: Hey, we looked good! And I have a number of inappropriate stories to back that up! But, I'll save those for when you're older.

Ruby: Oh, gross!

X-49: Wait until you hear the stories of the kind of...misadventures your uncle and I got into! You remember that time crawled out of that nest of Grimm back in Vacuo?

Qrow: You got that story mixed up. You fell into that nightmare and I had to bail you.

X-49: Oh how could I forget? It's a good thing there wasn't a pretty girl wearing a skirt nearby. Otherwise we'd be in trouble.

Ruby: Ew!

Qrow: I think we should save those stories for when they're older. 

X-49: Heh. You might have a point.

Qrow: Anyways, I'm too old to be hanging out with a bunch of kids. You're gonna cramp my style. Look, just remember that you've still got a long way to go...  And don't think for a second that graduating means you're done.  Every day out there is worth a week in this place. You two, you're gonna go far. But only if you keep learning; if you never stop moving forward.

With that, X-49 and Qrow left the Dorm Room, leaving Ruby and Yang with much to think about. As for X-49, he would prepare himself for whatever the day had to offer.

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