Chapter Twenty - Painting The Town

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As Penny revealed herself to X-49 and Ruby, Ruby was in a state of shock. X-49 however was not so surprised.

Ruby: Penny, I...I don't understand...

Penny: Most girls are born, but I was made. I'm the world's first synthetic person capable of generating an Aura. I'm not real...

Ruby: Of course you are. You think just because you've got nuts and bolts instead of squishy guts makes you any less real than me?

Penny: I don't... um... You're... taking this extraordinarily well.

Ruby: You're not like those things we saw back there. You've got a heart, and a soul; I can feel it!

Penny: Ooohh... oh Ruby You're the best friend anyone could have!

As Penny says this, she grabs Ruby and grips her in a tight hug. X-49 couldn't help but smile at Ruby's kindness towards Penny despite being a robot. It was the same feelings that she shared about her adopted big brother. Suddenly, voices could be heard in the distance.

Penny: You have to hide!

Without warning, Penny picks up Ruby and throws her in a dumpster. With little time to react, X-49 hid behind the dumpster.

Ruby: Penny, wait! What are you doing? You don't have to go with them! I can help you!

Penny: It's okay, Ruby. They're not bad people; I just don't want to get you in trouble. Just promise me you won't tell anyone else my secret. Okay?

Ruby: I promise.

As Ruby said that, Penny closed the lid just as the Atlas Soldiers arrived. Penny went with them without resistance. When they left the area, X-49 walked out of cover and helped Ruby out of the dumpster.

X-49: This just got interesting.

Ruby: No kidding....

Suddenly, Ruby's Scroll began to ring. It was a call from Blake. As Ruby answered the Scroll, she could hear the sound of a fight happening in the background.

Blake(Scroll): Everyone! If you can hear me, we need back....

Sun(Scroll): HEEEELLLLP! Big robot! And it's big! Really big!

Ruby: Oh, I am not missing this!

X-49: Here we go again....

With that, Ruby and X-49 rushed to join the battle. Soon enough, they made it to the streets of Vale where the rest of Team RWBY along with Sun and Neptune fighting a Paladin robot.

Ruby: Whoa! Big robot!

As Ruby said this, X-49 could see Roman Torchwick piloting the Paladin. Without hesitation, X-49 pulls out his pistols and begins firing at the Paladin. At the same time, Ruby coordinated her team against the Paladin. With that, an intense fight broke out between the Paladin and the coalition of Team RWBY, X-49, Sun and Neptune. As they fight, X-49 continues to shoot at the Paladin with the bullets doing little damage.

Roman: You'll have to do better than that, my mechanical friend!

As Roman pilots the Paladin to attack X-49, the combat robot rolls out of the way and manages to fire a few rounds at the Paladin. As the fight turned into a stalemate, X-49 regrouped with the others.

X-49: That Paladin's armor is too thick for my bullets to hit!

Ruby: We have to slow it down!

Weiss: And how do you propose we do that?

Ruby: Ice Flower!

Twirling their weapons so they both point at Roman, Weiss creates a series of glyphs in front of the scythe's sniper barrel, and a single shot through the circles creates a dazzling spiral of energy that creates large icicles upon impact with the Paladin. Ruby continues to shoot as Weiss freezes the fire, and as the ice completely envelops the robot's body, Blake swings her partner around in a circle one more time, but with Roman unable to move, the Paladin is hit by the speed and power of Yang's fists, flying into the air before crashing down in a hundred pieces and a defeated criminal. Roman gets up from the wreckage.

Roman: Just got this thing cleaned...

He looks up just in time to see Yang, still burning with her absorbed power, fire a single shot at the defenseless thief, but he's saved at the last instant when a girl seen before drops in front of him and merely opens an umbrella to block Yang's attack.

Roman: Ladies, Ice Queen, my Mechanical friend...

Weiss: Hey!

Roman: Always a pleasure! Neo, if you would...

As Neo nods to them, Yang charges at Neo while X-49 fires his pistols at her. But as the shots connected, Neo's form shatters like a mirror. As they process this, they see Roman and Neo board a Bullhead. Without hesitation, X-49 charges at the Bullhead and manages to get inside just as it takes off.

Roman: Well you're persistent, aren't you?

X-49: Last chance to stand down, Torchwick.

Roman: I'm afraid I'm a busy man. So if you would be kindly...

As X-49 was about to shoot at Roman, Roman aims his cane at X-49 and fires an electric shock at X-49. The robot was stunned as the electricity coursed through his body. Roman then pushes X-49 off the Bullhead.

Roman: Bon voyage!

X-49 then plummets to the ground, losing consciousness for a moment. After some time, he regains conscious to find Ruby and the others standing by his side.

Ruby: X-9! X-9!

X-49: I'm fine, Kiddo.

Ruby and Yang then hug X-49, expressing relief in seeing that he was alright.

X-49: That's gonna sore in the morning.

Blake: What happened?

X-49: Torchwick got the drop on me.

Yang: So I guess he got a new henchman...

Weiss: Yeah, I guess she really made our plans... fall apart!

Yang: No. Just... no.

Weiss: What?! But, you do it!

Yang: There's a time and a place for jokes.

Weiss: Was this not it?

Yang: No, it just wasn't very good.

Weiss: Well, at least I'm trying!

With that, X-49 and everyone else left for their dorms. Though Roman Torchwick had escaped them yet again, a new challenge would soon present itself.

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