Chapter One Hundred One - Breaking Point

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As X-49 and the others learned the extent of Jaune's need to protect the Paper Pleasers, the group discussed what they just learned.

Yang: That's so sad. Weird, but sad.

Blake: But it also means Jaune might not be totally right about the Tree. It's not Death, it's... Rebirth.

Weiss: From a certain perspective, maybe. But.... What happened to Lewis then? Jaune said--

Yang: Jaune wasn't there. The Cat wasn't even there! None of us know the full story and we'll never learn anything, babysitting these villagers! We have to convince Jaune to let them go.

Weiss: But how? He's clearly not.... all there.

Suddenly, Weiss gasps, Blake turns around to see what she was gasping at. Jaune is standing with a hurt look on his face.

Jaune: Is that what you think?

Yang: But what if the Cat was telling the truth? Maybe not about everything, but about the Tree!

Jaune: The Tree is the last thing you should listen to them about. Th-They're just doing what they're designed to do. They don't care what happens when you get there!

Blake: We're not listening to them! We're listening to the Afterans. And they're telling us the Tree is nothing to be afraid of, that they want to go!

Jaune: They don't know what they want. You've seen the way they act, nothing here is that straightforward, okay? Afterans are all either too clever, too stupid, or too crazy to trust!

Penny: This is their world. We cannot impose our will upon them!

X-49: Penny's right. This isn't right....

Suddenly, Jaune's home in the distance collapses. Jabberwalker doppelgangers can be seen over the ruins.

Jabberwalkers: Scouring.... Searching.... Stalking....

The Jabberwalkers roar, and the Paper Pleasers scream and run away in fear.

Jaune: They found us....

Jaune puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles. Juniper is seen galloping out of the forest to the village.

Jaune: I am not letting them down!

X-49: If those Walkers make it down here, those Afterans will never ascend!

Blake: Then we won't run this time.

With that, the group charged after the Jabberwalkers. Ruby just stands there, with a concerned look on her face. She hesitates but quickly runs after her teammates. X-49 and Penny provide support as they divert the attention of the Jabberwalkers away from the Paper Pleasers. 

Jaune: No, no, no, no....they weren't supposed to come here!

X-49: We will push them back!

During the battle, Ruby hesitates for a moment, looking like she's seen a ghost. X-49 shoots down the Jabberwalker attacking Ruby with his Pistol.

X-49: RUBY!

X-49 then charges in and prepares to defend Ruby. Suddenly, a voice speaks in his head.

???: Execute the priority targets....

X-49:! Not now!

X-49 suddenly found himself losing control of his body. X-49 desperately fights as he finds himself aiming his Pistol at Ruby. For a brief moment, X-49 and Ruby exchange glances. It was in that moment that X-49 was able to free himself. Weiss, skating on the Glyphs, slashes the Jabberwalker with Myrtenaster. Blake double-kicks it away from Ruby. Yang jumps past Blake, who uses her Semblance to create her clone and gives Yang some boost. Yang delivers a blow on the Jabberwalker. Yang, Weiss and Blake come towards Ruby. Ruby sits up and they watch the Jabberwalker begin to spasm and vanish in bright, pink light, revealing Neopolitan in their place. Neo smirks and makes a gun hand gesture at Ruby before she disappears into broken pieces.

Blake: The Walkers from the Market...

Yang: But that's.... Those were more than just her usual tricks. They eat, and grow, and... How had she gotten so powerful?

Jaune gets off from Juniper and lands on the ground.

Jaune: Well, she didn't do it by standing around. I know you may not care about protecting this village, but you could at least help your friends when they're in dang--

Suddenly, crashing was heard. They turned to see the Pebble Tower, beginning to tumble. Giant pebbles fall and destroy the dam.

Jaune: Oh no, no, no! What time is it?! No!

Jaune quickly runs towards the village but it is already too late as the dam is destroyed and the village, along with the Paper Pleasers, is engulfed by the waters. As Jaune falls to his knees, X-49 offers his condolences.

X-49: I....I'm sorry, Jaune. They're at peace.

Weiss: Yeah, it's what they wanted. Right, Ruby?

Ruby has a scowling expression on her face.

Ruby: Why are you asking me? Because I'm the leader? Because I'm just supposed to have something to say? Cuz I don't....I mean, why do I have to be the leader anyway? Why do I have to always be the one to pick people up? What about me? "No time", right? "Gotta get home!" "Gotta help Jaune!" Gotta find someone who isn't just going to screw everything up! "Gotta stay positive!" Right?! Smiles all around! Maybe even finally get our feelings sorted out! Good for you, by the way. We're all so happy for you! I'm sorry, is this a bad time? Are we supposed to be mourning Jaune's make-believe friends?!

Jaune: They're gone... because of you! The Walkers came for you, because Neo. Hates. YOU! Oh, and let's not forget the reason we're in the Ever After in the first place is because of your plan that didn't work! What about you?! It's ALL about you!

Ruby looks up at Jaune angrily, gritting her teeth and on the verge of tears. Jaune soon snaps out of his rage.

Jaune: I'm sorry, I...I know I'm not okay. I- I'm not right, but... Who am I supposed to be? I've been alone....for SO....LONG! Here... On that bridge...I was the only one that could do it! I was the ONLY ONE!

As Ruby and Jaune lashed at one another, Ezio stepped in.

X-49: Stop this! Both of you! What's done is done. We must....

Ruby: Or what? You're gonna shoot me? Like you were about to do?!

The entire group fell silent as X-49 lowered his head in shame. 

X-49: Ruby...that...that wasn't....

Yang: What the hell are you talking about? 

Ruby: During the fight, our "big brother" aimed his gun at me! He was pretty close to pulling the trigger too! A part of me wishes he did!

X-49 was devastated to hear this. He fell silent at Ruby's words. 

X-49: Ruby....I....I would never....

Ruby: Shut....Up. Don't... do that.... Just...don't....

Little lowers their head in pity in Ruby's hood. Ruby then turns around and picks up Crescent Rose, using her Semblance to fly away from her friends into the forest. X-49 and the others helplessly watch Ruby go, while Jaune and Juniper overlook the now submerged village of the Paper Pleasers. A breaking point was reached.

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