Chapter Fifty Seven - Dead End

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The next day, X-49 and the rest of Ruby's group walk up to the Atlesian Military base on the island off the coast of Argus, only for the gates to abruptly close on them before they could even enter.

Yang: Come on! You didn't even hear us out!

Nubuck Guard 1: Our orders are clear: The Mistral-Atlas border is closed!

Nubuck Guard 2: Please!

Nubuck Guard 1: Have a good day!

As Qrow points out Weiss Schnee, the guards rush to fetch the commanding officer. Soon enough, the military base's commanding officer makes her presence known. The guards introduce her as Caroline Cordovin.

Ruby: H-hello! Miss, uh, Cordovin. My name is Ruby Rose, and I was wondering if you would hear us out about....

Cordovin: I've already heard what your other little friends had to say, Miss Rose. 

X-49: We don't want to bother you, but we have to get to Atlas.

As X-49 speaks up, Cordovin glances over to X-49.

Cordovin: An X-Model Combat Droid? I thought that line was decommissioned.

X-49: I'm a special case, ma'am.

Cordovin: You civilians are clearly incapable of comprehending the importance of our mission here in Argus. So allow me to say this slowly, with smaller words: This base, that relay tower, the very safety of Argus are all gifts from the glorious Kingdom of Atlas! And it is my duty to uphold them, as only I have the wit and tenacity for such a task.

Guard Nubuck 1: Such wit!

Guard Nubuck 2: Such tenacity!

Maria: Or maybe Atlas just wanted to get you as far from the kingdom as possible.

Cordovin: You're just like the rest of these Argus ingrates! This city wouldn't even be here if it weren't for our Atlesian ancestors, and what do we get in return? The entire world is ready to put a knife to our throats!

As things grew tense between Maria and Cordovin, X-49 stepped in. Immediately, Cordovin became hostile.

X-49: If we don't get to Atlas, then Remnant is in for a world of hurt. What happened at Beacon will seem like nothing.

Cordovin: I don't need to be lectured by a Droid, especially a Droid from an outdated line.

X-49: We're not here looking for trouble. We're just need....

Cordovin: Why I'm staring at an X-Model when the entire X-Model Line was decommissioned is beyond me. Be lucky I don't have you taken in for study.

Maria: Now you've gone too far! These are fine people!

Cordovin: As if you're one to talk, Calavera. 

As things escalated, Weiss stepped in to try and calm the situation. 

Weiss: No one's happy about the Atlas borders or embargo, but I know General Ironwood is just worried. It's why we need to talk to--

Cordovin: The General is no coward! Atlas is strong. If all the kingdoms plan to make us their enemy, then so be it! Atlas will prevail!

X-49: You have to listen to us! You have no idea no idea what's coming. And if you think you can stop it, then you better think again. We've seen what's coming your way and I'm sure General Ironwood will back us up on this.

Cordovin: As if a civilian would know anything about it. General Ironwood is one of Remnant's top military minds. If anything, it's this so called "great evil" that's unprepared for what they plan to face. I frankly don't care who you are, alien or otherwise In my eyes, you're just another civilian who has no business in military matters. If Miss Schnee has truly come to her senses and wishes to return to her family, then, of course, the Atlas military will escort her home. But the kingdom will not be responsible for her "friends" of... questionable character.

As Cordovin glances at Blake, X-49 stepped in.

X-49: If you have something to say about her, then you best say it to me.

Cordovin: Is that a threat, Droid?

X-49: Not at all, ma'am. Just a friendly reminder.

It was in that moment that Weiss steps in.

Weiss: What's that supposed to mean?

Cordovin: It means we're done here.

X-49: Listen to reason, Cordovin. You're not prepared for what's coming. It's that same mentality that led to Beacon's fall. Meeting force with force never ends well.

Cordovin: We're done here.

With that, the doors to the Argus Military Base slam shut, leaving the group outside. Nora becomes enraged.

Nora: Oh yeah? Well, your face a big dumb boot!

Jaune: Way to show her, Nora...

Weiss: I don't...

Ruby: Weiss. I told you we wouldn't leave your side for a second. We'll find a way to Atlas. Together.

As Weiss smiles at Ruby, Qrow begins walking away.

Ruby: So... where are we going now?

Nora: Yeah, what's the plan?

Qrow: The plan? The plan just got shut on our face three times over. I'm going for a drink. 

X-49: Now's not the time for a drink.

Qrow: Seems like the perfect time for a drink. It looks like Atlas has your number. Know anything about that?

X-49: No. If there was something, then I don't remember.

Qrow: Then we're right back where we're started.

X-49: We can't just walk away when the going gets tough. We need a new plan.

Qrow: Well why don't you ask Oz what the plan is?!

With that, Qrow scoffs and walks away.

Jaune: What's his problem? It's not your fault we can't go on.

Nora: If he's gonna be a jerk then we'll just come up with something without him. I mean, we've got Ozpin with us! He usually knows what to do.

As Nora said that, most of the group looked to themselves with troubled looks, knowing the truth behind Ozpin. With that, the group reached another dead end. They would need to find another way to continue on their journey. But a solution would soon present itself. However, before the journey could continue, the truth about Ozpin and Salem would need to revealed to Jaune, Ren and Nora.

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